attempting to acquire valuable wisdom
The famous physicist Albert Einstein once said, "Wisdom is not a product of schooling but of a lifelongattempt to acquire it." Fulfilling one's passion and values is to go after what really makes you happy.Acquiring wisdom is an urge that incites and drives me steadily towards achieving my dream. Withoutpassion for acquiring wisdom, opportunities and experiences like these become obsolete. I just want tofulfill my dreams, offer help and uplift mankind and be happy.I have always had a passion for learning and teaching, and a natural drive to succeed and acquire thewisdom I seek. At the beginning of my sophomore year in the higher institution, I volunteered as a facultyand departmental tutorial coach, this idea came from an innate passion for attaining wisdom and to beself-taught. At first, it wasn't going smoothly, but gradually things got glued and I found out why I have tobe educated. This provided me with the experience of understanding a lot of concepts within a short span.Phil Collins was right when he said, "In learning, you will teach and in teaching, you will learn." In myfinal year, I became more passionate about attending lectures and yet I have fully embraced self-education, I embraced this act so as to learn. At that point, I took my colleagues some tutorials, duringthose tutorials I made them realize I have a contrary opinion of the ways we are being taught in class. Imade it clear I wanted something more challenging and realistic than our system of education. LikeMichel Legrand said, "The more I live, the more I learn. The more I learn, the more I realize, the less Iknow." In my quest and thirst for more, I found this program and I hope I get it to quench my thirst.I am not just someone interested only in the acquisition of wisdom, I also engage in sporting activitiesespecially boxing, apart from engaging in boxing I coach A-level chemistry students in some schools foradvanced studies and I am pretty good at it.After completing my Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, it has always been a goal of mine to further myeducation in an academically competitive field and environment. Some years of research brought me to MaMaSELF program and getting to know that the program has an Erasmus+ funding I was very happy.He who seeks will surely find an answer, for search is the foundation of fortune (Rumi), finding this program to me is nothing but a fortune.Rennes is a city with an interesting historical background, developing sporadically in technology anddigital sectors, with a fascinating cultural heritage. I would like to spend my first year in University ofRennes 1 due to the variety of courses they offer, I would like to explore their large-scale facilities andelevate my scientific background. Their culture is a thing of luxury it ought to be learnt and improving my French skills would be worth it.
Germany has been a dreamland for all who seek elevation in science and technological skills, she is aglobal leader in science and technology, Research and Technology have been an integral part of her economy. Germany has been the home of geniuses. The Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich,Germany, is my choice of mobility for the second year due to the nature of the Germans and the variety of courses they offer. I have read about the Germans online; I have read about their highly conservative nature and how they strive for perfection and precision in all aspect of their lives. It would be a betterplace to live and grow as a material scientist and learning about their culture would also be a goodexperience.The MaMaSELF program links its activity with developing entrepreneurship skills of its students.Industrial technologist for chemical and energy conversion, information processing, healthcare, andmaterial and environmental protection are fields underexplored in my country. Such industries in mycountry are totally dependent on foreign expertise abroad and this has an adverse effect on the economicdevelopment of these sectors in my country. Given the required knowledge, I believe my country has thepotentials to become one of the leading nations in these sectors; I want to contribute to her developmentin these sectors. To achieve this I need to improve my leadership skills along with the knowledge I wouldacquire, this task can only be accomplished only if I join the MaMaSELF program via the Erasmus+funding. Developing and synthesizing new materials which play a key role in establishing economical conditions of quality of living and societal development with these new products in their applications would be a path I would love to thread, offering help and uplifting mankind are the things I dream of.There is still so much I have not seen or done. There are a lot of scientific ideas I'll get to know aboutwith this program. With all the opportunities this program has to offer, utilizing every one of them issurely an obligation I won't shy away from. I assure I won't just be a worthy ambassador but I would be aleader in this field in the future.
I found this website as of late, the essay had long been submitted. I just want to know my fate with this. Thanks ...