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Essay in subjects in which you have excelled.To what factors do you attribute it

lic12 3 / 4  
Jan 7, 2010   #1
My English class for my senior year has been a class in which I can truly say that I have excelled in. Unlike my pass English teachers of my high school years, this teacher has made an extra effort to get through her students. English for me has always been difficult subject to excel in. This past semester it has been different, unlike in my other English classes I had trouble understanding English literature well. With a new teacher this school year, my teacher has helped me a lot. I have become a more open mind person I have actually made studying a habit for myself. To be the main reason why I have excel in my English class in because the factor that she has made class fun. She has open up our mind to look beyond the words written on a piece of paper. She has influenced me to think deeper in my inner self. She has also introduced me to a new world of literature and that English is not just a language but also something in which we use words to express what we feel about something; that we can use those words to make something sound different Like in books gives us an imagination of a whole other world through words by reading them it is what we tend to experience. Also that, by way words is written, like in a poem, can give the reader the same feelings as the author had when writing the poem. She has also helped me understand and analyze a poem much better. Before her I pretty much could not understand poems. I sincerely just read them but didn't know the meaning behind the words. I couldn't manage to understand it. Now is completely different I can actually read a poem and automatically understand it. English has now become one of my favorite subjects in school. I have learned to excel this subject. Another factor that attribute for me to excel in this field was the fact that I learn to make myself study. Study, study, I studied for every test that I would have upcoming. This not only help me get a really high grade on my tests but also it also imposed me to study for every assignment and test in each of my other classes. Excelling this subject was not an easy task for me to do. I found it very difficult at times to set myself down to study on my class assignments. By having a teacher that made studying for a test not a choir but more like a game. She gave us and taught us different kind of ways in which we could use our spare time with our family, to study with. English now to me seems like a class in which I can easily breeze through because of all the essential hard work that I have put into this class. This class has not also put me into having A through out this school year but has also given me a hope that if I excelled this class, I can excel in any class.
youngkim9193 4 / 13  
Jan 7, 2010   #2
Unlike my passPAST English teachers of my high school years, this teacher has made an extra effort to get through her students.

this teacher ⇒ You might want to mention your English teacher's name. I personally think it makes the essay more personal and real.
get through? I don't understand what you are trying to say. you mean get to know?

English for me has always been difficult subject to excel in

For me, English had always been...

This past semester it has been different, unlike in my other English classes I had trouble understanding English literature well. With a new teacher this school year, my teacher has helped me a lot. I have become a more open mind person I have actually made studying a habit for myself.

However, through the past semester with my new English teacher (I would put actual name), I have become a more open-minded person and made study habits.

I would put what kinds of study habit and how you are open-minded person.
NT159 3 / 8  
Jan 8, 2010   #3
"She has open up our mind to look beyond the words written on a piece of paper."

"She has also introduced metaught me how to view literature with new prespectives.to a new world of literature and that English is not just a language but also somethinga means in which we use words to express whathow we feel about something ."

You repeated "something" many times. Try to go with more details and specifics or just cut the word out.

"Before her, I pretty much could not understand poems."

Try for more concise sentences. Saying things like "pretty much" makes the essay feel as if you're talking in everyday life. Make the essay more of a personal story and bring your emotions rather than stating point after point.

I hope this helps.

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