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Business Law Presentation

Christopher 5 / 25  
Feb 17, 2008   #1
Hi Sarah...This is my Business Law Presentation topic. I don't understand what does it means...Do u have any idea with it?How can I start by doing this?Tues is deadline...I hope u can help me...Like what is the part that I need 2 focus and please state it accordingly...So that I can do some preparation and show my work 2 u by tomorrow...Thanks...


Please ensure that the work is your own and proper referencing is used where appropriate.

Kindly provide an outline/summary of the key points you wish to discuss.

Each presenter has 15 minutes to state his/her views. Marks will be deducted for any presentation that exceeds 20 minutes.

5 minutes will be allocated to responding to questions from the floor.

The presentation constitutes 10% of the assessment for the subject.


Introduction ï 10%

Setting the objectives ï 10%

Presentation style (language, voice projection etc) ï 20%

Clarity of arguments/views ï 30%

Appropriate conclusion ï 10%

Response to questions ï 20%


6. Explain the statement: 'Not every thing that is legal, right.'

EF_Team2 1 / 1704  
Feb 17, 2008   #2

I would be happy to help you, except that, as I believe I indicated before, the sentence 'Not every thing that is legal, right.' does not make sense from a grammatical standpoint. I think you must have not copied it down correctly. The only thing I can do is assume that what was meant was "Not everything that is legal is right." This, however, sounds more like a topic for a Philosophy of Law class than a Business Law class, so it's still not clear whether that is what was meant. If we assume that it was, you would then be looking, I suppose, for laws which protect some people but have a bad outcome for others. One example I can think of is eminent domain. Eminent domain laws allow the government to take land from people against their wishes. If the government wants to put a new highway right through the middle of your home, eminent domain laws would allow this to happen. The government would have to pay you a "fair" price for your property, but it would doubtless be less than you thought it was worth, and would not compensate you at all for having to move. This, to me, would be an example of something which is legal, but is not "right."

I hope this helps.


Sarah, EssayForum.com
OP Christopher 5 / 25  
Feb 19, 2008   #3
Hi Sarah...

My lecturer said the topic of our presentation is something about ...

Law---> says something-->Just because it is a law doesn't mean it is right--> Example: Germany--->after governmnet pass the law-->destroy the Jewish people(The person who implement the punishment is more based on humanity, if he don't do that, he will breach the law, while if he kill the person is is illegal)--> Example:South Africa Apartheid-->East German border guards...

I can't search the case do u have any idea of it or u have another example can help me in my presentation?Basically is 2 to 3 examples....Thanks...

And how should I start with the introduction???
EF_Team2 1 / 1704  
Feb 20, 2008   #4

There are many examples in history of laws which were inherently unfair. (Actually, that sentence might be a very good way to start your introduction!) You mentioned two examples; some others I can think of include the Jim Crow laws of 20th century America which made it legal to discriminate against black people. One famous case related to this is Plessy v. Ferguson, in which the Supreme Court of the United States said that "separate but equal" accommodations were all right and that, therefore, states could prevent black children from attending school with white children. This was the law of the land for almost sixty years until it was finally overturned by the Supreme Court in 1954 in the case of Brown v. Board of Education.

Another example is suffrage laws which prevented women from being able to vote. I believe that many European countries allowed women to vote before the U.S. did (you'll want to check this). The U.S. allowed states to discriminate against women by preventing them from voting until the Constitution was amended to make women's right to vote mandatory in all states in 1920.

I hope this helps!


Sarah, EssayForum.com
OP Christopher 5 / 25  
Feb 21, 2008   #5
Hi Sarah...thanks for ur information...my group score for 7 to 8 marks / 10...thank u

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