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First time Toast master Introduction sessions

shafitrumboo 1 / -  
Mar 30, 2017   #1

self introduction speech

Let me start by saying "An actor is an expert in being somebody else, A speaker is an expert in being themselves".
Dear Toast master, fellow members and dear guests,
First of all, I would like to say thank you for giving me this great opportunity
I am Ashrafs working as a GIS Specialist in ABC National. I have 10 years of vast experience in software dev and management, I have worked in few of the reputed companies of the world like IBM, HCL Tech in various technologies /domains and with clients from diverse geographical locations.

I am from Kashmir a state in India which is considered as one of the most beautiful valley in the world, I was lucky enough to be born in educated family. My mother retire as a principal of a school and my father is a builder. I have 3 sisters and a brother among them 2 are doctors and 2 engineers.

My ambition in childhood was to become a pilot I was always imagining flying high in the sky but my destiny had kept something else but pertinently better, challenging and charming for me. I graduated in electronics then done Post Graduation in Computer Science from Delhi. My favorite subjects used to be electronics and mathematics due to strong command in mathematics I was able do software programming very fast and efficiently, this quality of mine increased my passion of software development in me and it was increasing as time passes. Many times I used to start programming in night till morning. Ticking of clock never got my attention while programming.

Coming to my interest and hobbies, I like to spend time with my kids and beloved once.
While was enjoying my professional carrier and my passion was encouraging to attain new heights, whereas on the other hand by parents were planning for my marriage, at that time I was feeling it's a bottleneck to my career I avoided as much as I can, Fortunately they searched a guy having same profession as I do have. Finally, I met my husband Shafi, he is the best person I could ever think or imagine in my life. We both are from software industry. He is a born genius always a leader, his extraordinary qualities were always added values to me as a person and professional. We both came in Kuwait on a project for 1 year and now its 6 years we are here. We have 2 children both born here Muhammed is my elder son going to be 5 in May, he is studying in UKG in Bhawnas school and my daughter Rawdah will be 2 this May ,she is the naughtiest in our home and keeping me always on my toes.

Now the question is why I am here inspite of having a good career graph what I am doing here. To explain it let me give you an example. There are 4 types of people in the world categorized in different blocks of the graph according to their capabilities.

•The 1st block belongs to people not well in communication and having less knowledge.
•In 2nd block people not well in communication but having very good knowledge,
•In the 3rd block people very well in communication and having less knowledge.
These people are fake, their communication skills are so good they flatter their listeners very easily
•In 4th block people well in communication and having very good knowledge,

As I am concerned I belong to block 2 , the reason I join Toast master club is to move from block 2 to 4 . I hope this journey of mine and your help and assistance will help me to achieve my goal thanks

Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15168  
Mar 30, 2017   #2
Ashrafs, when you write a speech, try to avoid using a forward slash when separating descriptions. In place of that, you can use spoken words such as "or" or "and". It is important to use the written word for the speech because the audience cannot see the special punctuation marks in your speech. The use of the marks could lead you to omit additional descriptive words that can help the listeners keep track of what you are saying. With that said, you need to review your essay for many run-on sentences, missing punctuation marks such as periods and commas, and finally, you need to clarify a number of points in the essay. These include:

1. You said you have 3 siblings but then mentioned you have 2 doctor siblings and 2 Engineer siblings. There is a math error in this instance. Do you have 3 or 4 siblings?

2. When you talk about your interests and hobbies, you cannot present only one sentence. Speak of more hobbies and interests since you are introducing yourself to people. They won't get to know you from one sentence. BTW, the term is "loved ones" not "beloved once".

3. The most severe run on sentences are in the portion when you introduce your kids. Please use a full stop where necessary.

Review your essays for your terms usage. Always use the full terms. Do not use shortcuts or slang in a formal speech. So do not say "dev". Say "development". Always respect the listener by using the complete terms. You are not talking to friends here, you are talking to professional equals so treat them as such.

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