Describe the world you come from; for example, your family, clubs, school, city or town. How has that world shaped your dreams and aspirations? (maximum 250 words)
Beirut, 17 years ago, I was born. Ever since, I am a Lebanese citizen.
Now, I am preparing myself to leave my country to face a new world. However, even though I am leaving, I am still Lebanese; I still hold the marks of my country's culture.
Lebanese people are often compared to the mythical phoenix, the bird that, after being burnt, arises from the ashes, reborn anew to live again. This comparison highlights the Lebanese determination to face adversity, to refuse defeat and to pursue with increasing vigor their fight for success. I believe I do hold that determination.
Moreover, home for ideologies varying from the very conservative to the most liberal, home for 18 religious sects, Lebanese society is characterized by its diversity. For centuries, Lebanon has been the target of various international plans. French, British and American institutions were established since the nineteenth century, bringing with them, besides all the technological advances the west had achieved, a new lifestyle, different than that of our Arab and eastern surroundings. The love the Lebanese brought to fuse between their original culture and the external influences enabled them to face the world with a broader view. I believe I did profit from that diversity.
What would I do with that cultural background? I believe I have to help effecting a positive impact in the Lebanese as well as the international society, whether on the economic and industrial level or on the ecological and social one.
What do you think?
What should I change
Beirut, 17 years ago, I was born. Ever since, I am a Lebanese citizen.
Now, I am preparing myself to leave my country to face a new world. However, even though I am leaving, I am still Lebanese; I still hold the marks of my country's culture.
Lebanese people are often compared to the mythical phoenix, the bird that, after being burnt, arises from the ashes, reborn anew to live again. This comparison highlights the Lebanese determination to face adversity, to refuse defeat and to pursue with increasing vigor their fight for success. I believe I do hold that determination.
Moreover, home for ideologies varying from the very conservative to the most liberal, home for 18 religious sects, Lebanese society is characterized by its diversity. For centuries, Lebanon has been the target of various international plans. French, British and American institutions were established since the nineteenth century, bringing with them, besides all the technological advances the west had achieved, a new lifestyle, different than that of our Arab and eastern surroundings. The love the Lebanese brought to fuse between their original culture and the external influences enabled them to face the world with a broader view. I believe I did profit from that diversity.
What would I do with that cultural background? I believe I have to help effecting a positive impact in the Lebanese as well as the international society, whether on the economic and industrial level or on the ecological and social one.
What do you think?
What should I change