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CommonApp - extracirricular activities and extenuating circumstances grammar check

trilam153 9 / 21  
Aug 23, 2013   #1
If there is anything that you'd phrase it differently, please do so as i will put it to consideration. Thank you very much for helping.

Details, honors, and accomplishments
I joined wrestling in order to spend my time more wisely. Although a new member, I received 3rd place in an interschool meet.
Details, honors, and accomplishments
Joining tennis team was one of my attempt to assimilate to American culture.
Details, honors, and accomplishments
I received an invitation by a teacher and tempted to make new friends and give back to community. NHS was probably one of the best club i ever joined.

Details, honors, and accomplishments
I proudly say that I am a member of Mu Alpha Theta. The club not only funded my 2 trips to national but also gave me a chance to win 15th place Gemini

Details, honors, and accomplishments
I'd never imagined myself doing Robotics and asked to be in St. Louis for International meet, but I did. The generous FIRST funded my trips twice.

Details, honors, and accomplishments
I believe this is a full time responsibility; not for a day that I dare to ignore such privilege to be a son and brother.

Details, honors, and accomplishments
Playing chess is one of my passion. It's a mind game with infinite strategic moves. Quiet time playing chess keeps my head thinking.
Details, honors, and accomplishments
I was denied of my chance to go to regional and state because of my financial hardship. Hopefully the situation will chance when I go to college.

Details, honors, and accomplishments
I have always wanted to be in business like my father, that's why I joined DECA. I received 4rd place award in Bus. Finance at regional. Went to state

Details, honors, and accomplishments
In my free time, I usually offer free mentoring for students who are struggling in math. I often make new friends and learn new method of solving prob

Please provide an answer below if you wish to provide details of circumstances or qualifications not reflected in the application.

I apologize for the lack of proper English in the extracurricular activities section; there is a character limit on how much I can type in. Of course, I am not here just to state the obvious. I am here to add a few details that I wish the admission office to know and are not stated in my application.

As I understand, colleges are looking for students who know how to take opportunities that are presented to them, meaning who have taken a lot of Advance Placements and IB Classes. I would like to say that I did not know that there are such classes four years ago when I came to America. I thought that doing well in whatever classes "were chosen" for me was enough; I had no English communication skills. And even when I found out that there were, the names intimidated me because everyone said they are only for the gifted. I took only one AP History during my junior year and found out that AP classes are manageable. Then, I took all other AP classes my school had to offer with the exception of English since we had an unweight GPA system; another B would not be wise after my junior year incident. Highline is a town school and it does not have a lot of advance classes.

After graduation, I took a gap year because of financial hardship presented to our family. We had no way of paying for my college tuition and the only way my sister went to college is that her school, belongs to one of the top, has a need-based financial aid.

I understand that the Admission Office has other applicants to be considered. Thus I would like to conclude my extenuating circumstances section. Thank you very much for consideration.

sksbl88 - / 29  
Aug 23, 2013   #2
I apologize for the lack of proper English in the extracurricular activities section; there is a character limit on how much I can type in. Of course, I am not here just to state the obvious. I am here to add a few details that I wish the admission office to know and are not stated in my application.

As I understand, colleges are looking for students who know how to take opportunities that are presented to them, meaning who have taken a lot of Advance Placements and IB Classes.

This is redundant to the question asked. Erase it.

Talk more about the difficulties in adjusting to America and how you overcame that. Discuss about the financial hardships and what you were able to accomplish in those hard times.
OP trilam153 9 / 21  
Aug 23, 2013   #3
Talk more about the difficulties in adjusting to America and how you overcame that. Discuss about the financial hardships and what you were able to accomplish in those hard times.

Here is my new extenuating circumstances. I think it a bit too long, please cut if possible

As I understand, colleges are who have taken a lot of Advance Placements and IB Classes. I would like to say that I did not know that there are such classes four years ago when I came to America. I thought that doing well in whatever classes "were chosen" for me was enough; I had no English communication skills. And even when I found out that there were, the names intimidated me because everyone said they are only for the gifted. I tried one AP History during my junior year and found out that AP classes are manageable. Then, I took all other AP classes my school had to offer with the exception of English; the subject intimidated me somehow. Highline is a town school and it does not have a lot of advance classes.

I was raised in a middle class Vietnamese family. My father could be considered wealthy many standards. When I was young, everything I heard from his friends was how lucky I will be when I grow up, and how successful my father was. Until one day it stopped. My parents' divorced erased that reality and turned it into a memory. My family business began to go downhill and everything else went along with it. Then, my mother married to an American man in hope that he will take care of us four brother and sisters. Soon enough, we immigrated to U.S. and the step-father showed his true face. He treated us badly and sexually abused my eleven year old sister. I could do anything; even now I am not even sure I could have done anything else but calling the police. After that, I never saw him again. A downside of running away from an abusive step-father in the new land was poverty. Even when we knew it was inevitable, we still faced it badly. We ran from many states; from Mississippi to Louisiana then to Washington. In a sense, I was helpless because I could not do anything to help my mother and sisters. Although our struggles not yet cease to end, now that I am older, I want to make a different in our family life. I want to rebuild the family business to give my mother and sisters a normal life like we had wished; no more running.

After graduation, I took a gap year because of financial hardship presented to our family. We had no way of paying for my college tuition and the only way my sister went to college is that her school, belongs to one of the top, has a need-based financial aid.

I understand that the Admission Office has other applicants to be considered. Thus I would like to conclude my extenuating circumstances section. Thank you very much for your consideration.

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