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"What effect has design had on you?"-UT Austin Transfer essay

emhill 1 / -  
Feb 28, 2016   #1
Topic D

Personal interaction with objects, images and spaces can be so powerful as to change the way one thinks about particular issues or topics. For your intended area of study (architecture, art history, design, studio art, visual art studies/art education), describe an experience where instruction in that area or your personal interaction with an object, image or space effected this type of change in your thinking. What did you do to act upon your new thinking and what have you done to prepare yourself for further study in this area?

As a child, art class was always my favorite because I loved coloring and doing various crafts. I was constantly trying to convince my mother to let me rearrange my room in a new way that I thought was "cool" in an effort to try to make my room look like the beautiful ones in the movies I watched. I had never realized that designing rooms and spaces was an actual job until I was ten years old when my parents hired an interior designer to remodel our house. That was the moment that I realized I needed to pursue an education and career in interior design.

Spaces and rooms can engage many different emotions in an individual and affect each person in a way they had never anticipated. For instance, in one of my interior design classes I took last fall, I learned how the lighting and color of a room can alter a person's mood or energy level. I was then given a project in which I was assigned a room and had to create multiple different color schemes to show the effects each one had on a person's emotions.

Something that I have learned in my interior design classes last fall is to look past what a room is at the present time, and see how it could be altered or improved. This idea is one that I can apply to my life in other aspects such as, my academic life, in that I should only be satisfied with the work that I believe has reached its full potential and is the absolute best.

One of the things I admire most about design is that it gives the opportunity to tell a story, who are you are a person and what you want others to know about your style and personality. I love the artistry that it employs and allows one to fully express themselves. Each decision you make is a reflection of who you are. I enjoy the creativity that goes into each project, something that challenges me to look inside myself to create something amazing.

Last fall I took an architectural freehand drawing class that taught me beauty is in the eye of the beholder because you find what speaks to you in each piece of art. Interior design is an art form in the sense that it inspires and creates an atmosphere completely unique to each individual. It's so much more than picking out which pillows match what couch, because design demands more. It involves so many different aspects such as art history, architecture, mathematics, all which result in something that come together to make an incredible space.

I know that I will be well prepared for an interior design degree at The University of Austin since I will be coming in with four interior design courses that I have already completed. Since I am a transfer student, I believe I will be able to add new ideas to the UT design program that I have learned at Texas Tech and will provide a new perspective.
EF_Kevin 8 / 13319 129  
Mar 1, 2016   #2
Lol congratulations, I notice that in the prompt the verb affected is spelled wrong by those who wrote it but in your essay you got it right (affected).

Here's a way to eliminate unhelpful words to make a sentence more powerful: Spaces and rooms can engage many different emotions in an individual and affect each person in a way they had never anticipated. ---- Even though 'and rooms' carried meaning, it's just not helpful.

Again here, I'm helping you create space in the paper ; )
For instance, in one of my interior design classes I took last fall , I learned how the lighting and color of a room can alter ....

Use the active voice: The professor assigned me a room in which I had to create..... I was then given a project in which I was assigned a room and had to create multiple different color schemes to show....

You have a great writing style!

Here's another suggestion: provides instead of gives
One of the things I admire most about design is that it gives provides the opportunity ....

Here are two sentences I don't like. No offense lol! The first one addresses the reader "you" and that should be avoided. The word 'you' always twists a dagger in the reader's hard somehow, I can't explain why. Also, the idea that beauty is in the eye of the beholder does not usually mean what you used it to mean, so that can cause the reader to think you misunderstand.

Last fall I took an architectural freehand....

And this one is even worse. At the end of the essay, you make a weak attempt to suggest you can add perspective. That's a cliche, say something awesome! And don't take offense, I'm just being dramatic. : ) I just mean... you don't get to say you'll add a new perspective just because you're a transfer student.

Since I am a transfer student, I believe I ...

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