After graduating high school, I did not enroll at an university mainly due to immigration status issues. During my senior year, my family and I unexpectedly won the Green Card lottery. As part of the process, we were required to leave the country and initiate the process in Spain (the country where we previously resided). Thus, after my graduation in 2010, my family and I moved back to Spain. We were not able to come back to the U.S. before we received our Green cards and obtained permanent residence. This process took approximately two years. Since my original plans to start university the fall after my graduation did not occur, out of commitment to my education, I decided to continue my education by self-studying for exams during this period.
Explaining my gap years; does this make sense?
ded to
thank you so much! could you PLEASE read my main essay titled 'No longer a Wallflower' and tell me if it fits the prompt or the 'topic of your choice' option??
Wallflower should be under topic of your choice.
This process took approximately two years.Since mM y original plans to start university the fall after my graduation did not occur. However, out of commitment to my education, I decided to continue my education by self-studyingstudying by myself for exams during this period.
This process took approximately two years.
Wallflower should be under topic of your choice.
yayy I made the right choice :) I put it under topic of your choice. thank youuu Jack! it feels good/terrifying to send your first supplement/common app... nervess