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"from where we fall, we shall rise"; University of Illinois; past experience

az10101 1 / -  
Dec 26, 2012   #1
Hello, I was wondering if you can tell me if these essays are good

In an essay of 300 words or less, please describe how your past circumstances and experiences (such as your upbringing, community, and/or activities) impacted who you are, your future goals, and your choice of major. If you haven't decided on a college or major yet, briefly explain your intentions and aspirations for your first year at Illinois.

When I was little my father would tend to bring me on business trips, which I thought was boring and meaningless since I was like six. I would usually sit in a room and play by myself while my father and several other people talked in another room. I didn't really understand what it was all about and I just thought it was something my father did. My father was a business owner who sells whole food to restaurants in the Midwest. Later on, I realized that one day I might have to take over for him. Plus, my father told me that since I am the eldest son I have to take over one day. To better prepare myself I continued to go on business trips with him and see how things go down. From the trips, I learned many things that will one day be useful to me like how to negotiation with people about prices and many other things. To accomplish this goal I would like to study business administration/management in your institution. By using the unlimited knowledge and the extensive resources on business administration/management which will help me reach my goal. My goal in life is to expand my father's business across the country and be successful at what I do. Like a great man once said, "Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere." Albert Einstein

In an essay of 300 words or less, tell us something about yourself that isn't covered elsewhere in this application, some interest or experience of yours that you think the University of Illinois should know about as part of the admissions review.

As my sweat runs down my face I circled my opponent, waiting for the right moment I speared him and pin him to the mat. Throughout my high school experience, I have been involved in various after school activities. However, my favorite after school activity has been wrestling. I am currently a member of my schools wrestling team, and I enjoy it because I have a great time. Since this school year is my last year in high school, I decided to follow my dream and tryout for the wrestling team. I had wanted to be part of the team since my freshman year, but my shyness would stop me. When I heard that I had made it to the team, I was delighted with joy. I wanted to be part of the wrestling team for fitness reasons and to compare myself with other wrestlers around the city. After a while, my reasons for joining the team changed; now not only did I wanted to compare myself, but I wanted to get the sensation of working close with a team that made me feel part of a family. Through every battle, my team and I grew stronger as a whole. After every match, my friend Luis and I analyze our mistakes to improve them for our next match. Every time the team has a match with other schools, I constantly cheer on my teammates to encourage them to do well. At the end, we celebrate our hard work on the mat. Even if we lose, we hold our heads high showing that we have no shame in losing, and our motto is, "from where we fall, we shall rise again." Through wrestling, not only have I become more physically strong, but also I have gained new friendships.

Home / Undergraduate / "from where we fall, we shall rise"; University of Illinois; past experience
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