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FINANCIAL EXPERT; Educational or career goals & their relation

eminemya 8 / -  
Feb 23, 2008   #1
My genuine passion is for philosophy, especially natural philosophy (mathematics and physics), and nothing can appeal to me more than exploring the world with original curiosity.

I intend to become a financial expert and my long-term dream is to help the government create a stable financial order. The plan I envision would keep my countryïźŒdeveloping in stride, on the right track to avoid repeating the financial tragedy in 1998. With a stable economy, my country can invest more funds in the equity and flexibility of the education cause which I believe is vital to help the majority court their happiness.

To achieve this goal, I would like to major in applied mathematics while taking finance and psychology courses. Although this choice might seem unusual, I think it will enable me to practice financial models with insight on human thinking. Therefore, I find Uva particularly exciting and perfect for me. It not only provides me the solid foundation of mathematics but allows me to extend my interest in the other two fields. In addition to pursuing academic excellence, I also intend to participate in research and internship related to these areas. I will have advantage in multiplicity in the finance world by virtue of Uva.
EF_Team2 1 / 1708  
Feb 23, 2008   #2

Another great essay! Here are some pointers for you:

vital to help the majority court their happiness. - While this is not technically, wrong, it might be better to say "achieve happiness."

I will have advantage in multiplicity in the finance world by virtue of Uva. - This is a little awkward; better might be "I will have the advantage of multiple disciplines in the world of finance, thanks to UVA."

Best of luck in your studies!


Sarah, EssayForum.com

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