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Finding the one through a match maker- How did you first learn about St. Bona

DMA17 8 / 31  
Sep 24, 2011   #1
St. Bonaventure Supplement- Why St.Bona?

Please tell us how you first learned of St. Bonaventure University. Please be specific, i. e. newspaper, radio, web, friends, relatives, college fairs, etc. Include why you decided to apply. You may use an additional page if you desire:

To most, myself included, the internet is usually the hub of useless activities and the biggest cause of procrastination, but not today. Today I have stumbled upon a quaint match-making service that has caught my interest. Usually, I'm not one to partake in such frivolous services because they, more often than not, produce terrible results. Notwithstanding, I was in need of some help finding "the one", as my past experiences have been anything but fortunate.

With eyes wide and hopeful I moved onto the initial questionnaire. Question after question I answered to the best of my ability and slowly I saw the number of possible matches diminish, whether this was good or not I was unable to determine. One would think that the more choices one had the better, but page after page that number kept dropping until I reached on the final page of the questionnaire. Thirty-five, that's how many possible matches I had. Anxiety filled me as I was about to click "See Results". "Had I been too fastidious?", "Should I go back and change a couple answers?", "Maybe a swimming team isn't necessary" were only a few of the questions running through my mind, nevertheless I pressed on. Name after name appeared before me, some I've heard of and some unknown to me, and I made a commitment to go through every one of the colleges listed on the Collegeboard's Match Maker site, so that I could find the right one. Without a doubt, I can say that St. Bonaventure matched every one of my criterion.

As a student looking for opportunities in the medical world, a proper education is essential for a successful future. I wish to pursue a pre-medical program that will allow me to walk in the physician's shoes to explore the roles and responsibilities of a professional healthcare provider. Under the St. Bonaventure pre-medical program, I will be able to gain early exposure to patient care by partaking in clinical medicine opportunities at the Olean General Hospital. I believe this intensive clinical program will help me bridge theory and practice as I apply my knowledge and skills in clinical settings to make a positive difference in people's lives.

Moreover, of the many things unique to St. Bonaventure, it is the commitment of the school to embracing and serving society that solidified my reason to apply. When I was four, it was cracking the eggs and licking the spoon whenever there was a big charity bake sale; as I grew older, I started running marathons and 5k's with my mom in support of cancer; a couple of years ago, I volunteered at a local hospital to help malnourished children. Serving others has, invariably, been a part of my life. In high school, I formed my closest friendships through participation in student groups outside of the classroom. One such group has the motto "Students Helping Students" and I have learned to live that motto throughout high school by giving my time to organizations across my country. The last couple years of high school have given me a unique perspective on how service enriches the lives of others, while enriching my high school experience in ways the classroom could not. So it was imperative that I found a university whose values paralleled mine and I had found that in St. Bonaventure.

Don't be afraid to rip it to shreds, any advice will be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your help

OP DMA17 8 / 31  
Sep 25, 2011   #2
bump!! sorry to do this but i'd really like some help with this please! any input would be appreciated
EF_Susan - / 2320  
Sep 27, 2011   #3
What a great idea for your essay! Thank you, thank you for not writing the typical boring essay, this is so good. It will stand out among the rest, showing you have a great sense of humor and are thoughtful and intelligent. Good luck with school!

OP DMA17 8 / 31  
Sep 27, 2011   #4
Thank you so much for your help and for taking the time out to read and correct my essay!!!! :D
OP DMA17 8 / 31  
Oct 5, 2011   #5
just refreshing my page, hoping for any help.
Jennyflower81 - / 678  
Nov 10, 2011   #6
Excellent introduction, it really draws attention to your essay.

Thirty-five, that's how many possible matches I had. I would re-word this sentence.

I like how you explain the questions going through your mind while searching. In this paragraph, you ought to add in specific examples of what you want in a college (make it apparent that you have short-term goals such as the swim team).

When I was four, it was cracking the eggs and licking the spoon whenever there was a big charity bake sale; as I grew older, I started running marathons and 5k's with my mom in support of cancer; a couple of years ago, I volunteered at a local hospital to help malnourished children. I like what you are saying, but this sentence is too long.

Very good, just be sure to emphasize that you have a plan for your life and link everything in the essay to your goals.

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