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Football team/ Chemical Engineering; University of Michigan/ Unique qualities

tannerscooter 6 / 14  
Dec 27, 2012   #1
I had a little bit of trouble writing this essay, as I wasn't too sure what the question was really asking me. Any feedback would be helpful.

Prompt: Describe the unique qualities that attract you to the specific undergraduate College or School (including preferred admission and dual degree programs) to which you are applying at the University of Michigan. How would that curriculum support your interests? (500 words maximum)

The first thing that I believe attracted me to the University of Michigan was its football team, as my parents had raised me to be a Wolverine my whole life. One of my birthday presents was actually a trip to Ann Arbor for a football game. Even though my father and I had to watch it in our rain gear in the freezing sleet, we still had a great time. It wasn't until about 4 years ago, when I started researching colleges, that I began to wrap my head around why I really wanted to attend the University of Michigan.

As of right now, I believe the degree I want to pursue is one in chemical engineering. I took Chemistry in my junior year of high school and I found everything that we did and learned in that class extremely interesting. It amazes me how two different things can be put together to create something new. At this university, I will be able to expand my knowledge and apply it to solve problems.

I have been to many different events at the University of Michigan, including sporting events and college visits. The event that had the most impact on both my decision to attend the University of Michigan as well as the degree I may want to pursue was Tech Day that the university held. I went there in order to learn about chemical and nuclear engineering and I was amazed by all of the things I was shown. It was a little hard for me to get used to not being around anybody I knew, but I was able to quickly make a group of friends. This showed me just how friendly the future Wolverines could be. I learned all about what my career would be like through the lectures and demonstrations that the students showed me. This event made me want to pursue chemical engineering even more.

Attending the University of Michigan would have a great impact on my current plan for my future. If I were to go here, I would take advantage of the university's 5-year Master's program to obtain my Master's degree in Chemical Engineering as fast as I can. A close friend of the family, who is a high-ranking employee of the chemical company DuPont, said that he would be able to get me an internship and, eventually, a career at the company if I were to pursue this path.

All of these things, including the university's stellar academic programs, has convinced me that the University of Michigan would be the perfect place to continue my studies. With the vast amount of knowledge and opportunities that the University of Michigan has to offer me, I believe I will be able to have a positive impact on the world.

joah5454 - / 14  
Dec 27, 2012   #2
It's a great essay!
Personal anecdote, career interest, and what you can get out of U of Michigan.
The part about Tech Day is especially strong, as you show that you can quickly become a member of UM's community.
OP tannerscooter 6 / 14  
Dec 27, 2012   #3
thanks (: i was just a little bit concerned about the order that I put things in. I tried to organize it as best as I could, but sometimes that can get away from me.
rubybuddha 1 / 1  
Dec 27, 2012   #4
to me, it seems so generic. they ask what specifically about the school of engineering interests you. maybe talk about the research they have been doing or what specifically about tech day interested you. personally I would leave the first paragraph out and go more in depth about your chosen major and what about it interests you and how those interests can be fulfilled by the school of engineering. and talk about the opportunities the school would provide you, not the people you already know. look up some company partnerships they have and they'll be thoroughly impressed by your effort.

feel free to help with mine! doing the same major as you!
.essayforum.com/undergraduate-essays-2/uva-engineering-supplement-essa y-46401/

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