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GKS-U Medicine Study Plan - 2024

bvalkyrianzz 3 / 5  
Dec 23, 2022   #1

GKS-U Medicine Study Plan - 2024

(I think it's terrible considering it's my first time writing a study plan. I researched about it, but I still don't understand exactly how I should do it, so I did this as I thought it was ideal. Please give me feedback).

: Please type in Korean or in English. The essay must be single-spaced within THREE pages, with the font Times New Roman/탕/돋1. (11 points) Please remove the instructions after reading it.

1- Study plans to improve the Korean/English language ability required for taking a degree course before and after you come to Korea.

Based on my topik proficiency test result (Level X), I analyzed the amount of knowledge I have, identified the improvement points with the language, and prepared a preparatory study plan before and after entering the country.

Intensive study schedule (May 2023 - January 2024):
- Grammar: use of particles, connectors, conjunctions, relative prayers, and use of the times through the books Korean Grammar In Use and Wa! Korean. I will set ten words a day for memorization and construction of sentences, which are adjectives, verbs, nouns, and adverbs.

- Expressions: follow South Korean influencers (Saranghoe, Cherry Park, and others) to learn common expressions and learn about the fluid pronunciation of words. I will apply these expressions on a day-to-day date to get acquainted.

- Simulated: Perform general tests with questions about what was learned in the week, including expressions and sentence constructions. The sum of errors found will increase the load of study hours in the following week, and accompanied by the subjects of the week, the following test will bring questions related to the previous test.

Objective: To reach level 3 in Topik before the scheduled date for boarding.

study schedule (February 2024 - December 2024):
- Field research: immerse in the culture, coming into contact with situations different from those found in my country. Create relationships with natives, learn about local food, and visit artistic, sporting, and student environments, making me prepared for the university lifestyle.

- Reading: consume South Korean literature of various genres, such as those of clinical terms and colloquial expressions of the language (하오체 and 차게체), to understand complex terms.

-Talking; depriving as much as possible the use of the English language, normally applying the Korean language in daily life for the custom of the speed of pronunciation and the instinctive use of formalities.

- Writing: to carry out independent texts per week, working on the writing of articles, medical records, and research on various topics, also producing texts on the collections of experiences obtained during the period. The goal is to have practice in the process of formal-descriptive writing.

- Topik: perform a simulation once a month to track my monthly performance in the language. In the sum of the mistakes made, double the demand for studies in the respective areas and add the outstanding questions of the previous examination to the next.

Objective: to reach level 5 in the Topik in the final exam and be able to among the exchange conditions of the university.

2 - Goal of study and detailed study plan.

Below is an elaborate plan to bear the burden of studies that the course demands.

Schedule of studies in the common school period:
- Distribution of study times: separate the periods, being them for preparation before classes (4 hours) and for review after the end of classes (6 to 12 hours). There may be a flexible redistribution of studies according to class calendars, college work, conducting seminars, speaking schedules, and group trips.

- Abstracts and Mental Maps: notes with the important information dictated by teachers during classes, which will be used as instruments of assistance during the review of the contents. In case you do not feel clarity in a given annotation, use mind maps to aid in visual reasoning.

- Group teaching: separate the subjects I master, teaching and helping the other people in the study group, who will also help me in the subjects in which I feel pending. This will help me review what I already know and resume the issues I have lacked.

Objective: to reconcile and advance the demand for studies every day, ensuring mastery of what was learned and avoiding a possible excessive load of content during the last week before the test period.

Schedule of studies - preparation for the week of tests:
- Organization: collect the materials of the disciplines and organize a study calendar based on the days of the tests (2 to 4 hours per subject), using the interspersed method to take the contents and avoid mental exhaustion. The distribution of hours per subject can be changed according to the number of tests that will be held on the day, my mastery of the contents, and the availability of time after classes.

- Study environment: study in different places than usual, such as dormitory and library. Changing the study environment will allow me to adapt to several places, in addition to increasing productivity and well-being during the study period.

- Debates: conduct at least one group study activity to put ideas on track, observing other points of view. Students who study as a group can learn more effectively and have more opportunities to ask questions, reducing the amount of time that can be lost in trying to resolve difficulties.

- Questionnaires: perform simulations with questions formulated by myself, bringing detailed and general questions of each discipline to review and memorize possible answers, preparing me correctly and reducing the pressure of the exam.

Objective: to maintain an average score between A and B during the 12 semesters of graduation.

Extracurricular activities:
- Participate in the group of annual events, sporting events, and university clubs.

3- the Future plan in Korea or another country after finishing the GKS program.

- Work: fulfill the years of residence in a South Korean hospital, serving and contributing to the promotion of health in the country.
- Specialization: seek postgraduate studies in pediatric surgery, also working with the South Korean health system and dedicating myself, especially to the proper patients after completion and receipt of the diploma.

- Positions: to achieve other positions within the hospital through merit, from residency, assistant surgeon to the chief of surgery.
- Participate in research, present lectures, and work on social projects.
After years of service to South Korea as gratitude for the knowledge gained, return to my country of origin and resume work in the area of health in public hospitals. Finally, I intend to get a degree to teach and pass on my knowledge at the Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM).
Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15055 4834  
Dec 23, 2022   #2
Since you have already done the research involved in writing this paper, you already know what it should contain and how to present it. That is why you came up with this type of presentation. This is your ideal way of presenting the information so I should not comment on it anymore. You are not looking for advice in this case, you are looking for essay validation and approval for writing without guidance and proper consultation. I cannot do that since I was not a party to the content development of this statement.

The time to come to me for advice was when you were still uncertain about the writing approach or information content, not after you decided how to write it and what you want the essay to contain as notable information. There is no right or wrong way of responding to the prompt. Since you believe this is the format you should use, then use this statement in this format, using this information. You never know what response type and information will appeal to the screener.
OP bvalkyrianzz 3 / 5  
Dec 23, 2022   #3
In fact, I'm lost as to the fact of what is considered appropriate to put in a study plan. I'm not sure I'm on the right track, since this was my first draft. My idea was to address about methods and goals that really work with me, but maybe it's not the best way.

Still, I appreciate the answer! I'll keep rewriting until I get a good result.

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