"For almost one hundred years, the Latin words, "Vires, Artes, Mores" have been the guiding philosophy behind Florida State University. Vires signifies strength of all kinds - moral, physical, and intellectual; Artes alludes to the beauty of intellectual pursuits as exemplified in skill, craft, or art; and Mores refers to character, custom, or tradition. Describe how one or more of the values embodied in these concepts are reflected in your life."
"Inventas vitam iuvat excoluisse per artes." In the English language this translates to "Let us improve life through science and art," a great idea that our world has been living through for years. Art may be broadly defined as the use of skill in the creation of something. We all experience art daily without knowing it.
In grade school we learn of art to be crayons and a long piece of construction paper with a picture of your house and the sun, now we look at art as any creation. As a growing student, I was always interested in the field of computer science. Junior high school came around and I began to notice how everything in our household was beginning to be based on a computer. From the simple microwave to your high-tech television, everything is computer based. To some it was just some machine that did great things; to me it was an art. I was never an avid art fan however; this was an art like no other, an art that would soon begin to take over most of our household.
I decided I would take on the challenge of building my own computer when I was in 7th grade. Not the hardest task, but one task I knew would lead to vast ideas. My father at the time owned a computer services and repair shop in which I decided I would love to help. Clients were moved by the fact that a twelve-year-old child was able to safely repair their computers and have it up and running. From then on I knew this was the field I would love to study in the future, the art of a computer and everything that there is to know about it. Microsoft has a new competitor and his name is Christian del Amo.
It is not only the arts that our world is based on, but also our character and tradition, which form the "Mores" in the great Florida State University philosophy of "Vires, Artes, Mores." Our country is currently in trillions of dollars of debt. You may ask why? or how did we get there? Yes, we have several running costs in our economy but this is also due to the lack of character in our economy. Our country lacks the true character that a Florida State University student builds throughout their life as a "Nole." Our economy is based on an idealistic "I want" view where not a single person is willing to give in order to receive and that is why we are in such a struggle. Being a student at Florida State University builds this character which our world lacks and conducts us to be the future leaders of our world.
The values in which the great philosophy of "Vires, Artes, Mores" embodies are shown throughout my life. I live my life through tradition, strength incomparable to that of others, both intellectual and physical, and the creative mind of a future business leader. For these reasons, I know Florida State University will guide me on the right path in becoming the future leader I strive to be.
"Inventas vitam iuvat excoluisse per artes." In the English language this translates to "Let us improve life through science and art," a great idea that our world has been living through for years. Art may be broadly defined as the use of skill in the creation of something. We all experience art daily without knowing it.
In grade school we learn of art to be crayons and a long piece of construction paper with a picture of your house and the sun, now we look at art as any creation. As a growing student, I was always interested in the field of computer science. Junior high school came around and I began to notice how everything in our household was beginning to be based on a computer. From the simple microwave to your high-tech television, everything is computer based. To some it was just some machine that did great things; to me it was an art. I was never an avid art fan however; this was an art like no other, an art that would soon begin to take over most of our household.
I decided I would take on the challenge of building my own computer when I was in 7th grade. Not the hardest task, but one task I knew would lead to vast ideas. My father at the time owned a computer services and repair shop in which I decided I would love to help. Clients were moved by the fact that a twelve-year-old child was able to safely repair their computers and have it up and running. From then on I knew this was the field I would love to study in the future, the art of a computer and everything that there is to know about it. Microsoft has a new competitor and his name is Christian del Amo.
It is not only the arts that our world is based on, but also our character and tradition, which form the "Mores" in the great Florida State University philosophy of "Vires, Artes, Mores." Our country is currently in trillions of dollars of debt. You may ask why? or how did we get there? Yes, we have several running costs in our economy but this is also due to the lack of character in our economy. Our country lacks the true character that a Florida State University student builds throughout their life as a "Nole." Our economy is based on an idealistic "I want" view where not a single person is willing to give in order to receive and that is why we are in such a struggle. Being a student at Florida State University builds this character which our world lacks and conducts us to be the future leaders of our world.
The values in which the great philosophy of "Vires, Artes, Mores" embodies are shown throughout my life. I live my life through tradition, strength incomparable to that of others, both intellectual and physical, and the creative mind of a future business leader. For these reasons, I know Florida State University will guide me on the right path in becoming the future leader I strive to be.