So this is the "elaborate on extracurricular, 150 words"
His face screamed, "Help! I'm weird, awkward, and lost!" I met one of my closest friends at KLEX Image Competition a local photography event, when he came up to me, utterly confused. Just like how my fellow photographers have always taught me to be outgoing and engaged, I opened up to him, guided him to our next meeting, and spoke to him not as an experienced photographer but as a responsible friend whom he could trust. It all seemed natural because at one point, I too had been that confused freshman at his first competition.
Some take being a leader as being in control. I have learned that while leadership can mean heading a photo delegation, it can also mean having that personal quality that inspires others to care, to learn, and to get involved. Now, he is running for the KLEX state board.
His face screamed, "Help! I'm weird, awkward, and lost!" I met one of my closest friends at KLEX Image Competition a local photography event, when he came up to me, utterly confused. Just like how my fellow photographers have always taught me to be outgoing and engaged, I opened up to him, guided him to our next meeting, and spoke to him not as an experienced photographer but as a responsible friend whom he could trust. It all seemed natural because at one point, I too had been that confused freshman at his first competition.
Some take being a leader as being in control. I have learned that while leadership can mean heading a photo delegation, it can also mean having that personal quality that inspires others to care, to learn, and to get involved. Now, he is running for the KLEX state board.