Stop. Look around for a moment. What do you see? No, I don't mean the imposing pile of applications lying at your desk or the equally harried admission officer beside you. Look beyond the obvious.
Picturise your surroundings as a highly organized concatenation of atoms; minuscule particles, beyond the scope of stereoscopic human vision. Every single particle, person or place is made of atoms of different kinds! Afterall, aren't we all essentially made of the same constituents: Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen and other prominent residents of the Periodic Table? Akin to finding the Ultimate Question, to which the answer is the unassuming 42, where would you possibly find that metaphysical representation of what makes Waldo,Waldo?
The 'Waldo Factor', as I'd like to call it, would have probably become the Higgs Boson of our generation. I say would have, because the closest we can get to identifying a miniature physical representation of ourselves lies in the genetic code. This seemingly innocuous but perplexingly complex code explains why we are what we are; with our quirks and eccentricites that define us. Pioneered by Watson, Crick and Wilkin, it took years of research, international collaborations and is certainly no mean feat; for it explained the fundamental structure responsible for individuality.
So the Waldo Factor is essentially an aggregation of atoms, differing only slightly from our own genetic structure and composition. This technically means that there is a bit of Waldo in all of us, just as there is a bit of us in Waldo. Waldo is within us and represents our travails and tribulations; Only if choose to look at it from such a perspective.
The answers to life's conundrums and complications lies within us. If we dig deeper, aim higher, try harder and look deeply, slowly but surely there's a solution.
After groping in the darkness, a little introspection always helps to find light at the end of the tunnel.
Picturise your surroundings as a highly organized concatenation of atoms; minuscule particles, beyond the scope of stereoscopic human vision. Every single particle, person or place is made of atoms of different kinds! Afterall, aren't we all essentially made of the same constituents: Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen and other prominent residents of the Periodic Table? Akin to finding the Ultimate Question, to which the answer is the unassuming 42, where would you possibly find that metaphysical representation of what makes Waldo,Waldo?
The 'Waldo Factor', as I'd like to call it, would have probably become the Higgs Boson of our generation. I say would have, because the closest we can get to identifying a miniature physical representation of ourselves lies in the genetic code. This seemingly innocuous but perplexingly complex code explains why we are what we are; with our quirks and eccentricites that define us. Pioneered by Watson, Crick and Wilkin, it took years of research, international collaborations and is certainly no mean feat; for it explained the fundamental structure responsible for individuality.
So the Waldo Factor is essentially an aggregation of atoms, differing only slightly from our own genetic structure and composition. This technically means that there is a bit of Waldo in all of us, just as there is a bit of us in Waldo. Waldo is within us and represents our travails and tribulations; Only if choose to look at it from such a perspective.
The answers to life's conundrums and complications lies within us. If we dig deeper, aim higher, try harder and look deeply, slowly but surely there's a solution.
After groping in the darkness, a little introspection always helps to find light at the end of the tunnel.