Please tell us what you find most appealing about Columbia and why:
Limitless Bounds. Columbia may offer diversity and be located in one of the most history rich cities in the world: New York City. But to me, what Columbia offers the most is limitless bounds, both in the literal sense and figurative. In the literal sense, I am not confined to just New York City and Columbia. Through, Engineers without Borders, I can use what Columbia teaches me and apply it in a practical sense that will provide immediate help for those struggling around the world. Having family in India, particularly near Orissa, the India program particularly interests me. Working with Columbia and Engineers without Borders, I would like to make a healthy lifestyle, reality for those living in the Purnaguma village. Limitless Bounds. In the figurative sense this means that while at Columbia the sky is the limit for my education. With nearly 80% of the classes having 20 students or less, I will receive more individualized attention and have greater comprehension of the material. I cannot wait to work with Professor Henry Hess in the Molecular Engineering Laboratory and research and experiment with ideas that I have on biomolecular motors . The definition of limitless bounds is shown when Columbia engineering students built a playground swing for the disabled. I enjoy community service and combining that love with engineering would be a dream that could only come true at Columbia. Playground Swings. Biomolecular Motors. Purnaguma. Limitless Bounds. Columbia.
Limitless Bounds. Columbia may offer diversity and be located in one of the most history rich cities in the world: New York City. But to me, what Columbia offers the most is limitless bounds, both in the literal sense and figurative. In the literal sense, I am not confined to just New York City and Columbia. Through, Engineers without Borders, I can use what Columbia teaches me and apply it in a practical sense that will provide immediate help for those struggling around the world. Having family in India, particularly near Orissa, the India program particularly interests me. Working with Columbia and Engineers without Borders, I would like to make a healthy lifestyle, reality for those living in the Purnaguma village. Limitless Bounds. In the figurative sense this means that while at Columbia the sky is the limit for my education. With nearly 80% of the classes having 20 students or less, I will receive more individualized attention and have greater comprehension of the material. I cannot wait to work with Professor Henry Hess in the Molecular Engineering Laboratory and research and experiment with ideas that I have on biomolecular motors . The definition of limitless bounds is shown when Columbia engineering students built a playground swing for the disabled. I enjoy community service and combining that love with engineering would be a dream that could only come true at Columbia. Playground Swings. Biomolecular Motors. Purnaguma. Limitless Bounds. Columbia.