My goal is to attain a career that I'm passionate about. I always dream of making video games and having a career, and becoming one of the greatest game designs. With my right talents and education I can look forward to a truly exciting career. My goal is to graduate with game art & designs bachelor degree. In the future it will help me create and make ideas for company will help me with. I want to be involved in activities at surround around game designing. I want my career to support my family and me. I will help the company create a good game.
"making video games" - your education at the ai to help you attain career goals
Your ideas are sound, but you need more development. For instance, you might consider starting out with a image or by posing a question.
Not: I will help the company create a good game.
Rather; I will help a company achieve success by creating a (a good word for good) game.
Those are just possible suggestions. If you have anymore questions, just feel free to post back a reply.
Not: I will help the company create a good game.
Rather; I will help a company achieve success by creating a (a good word for good) game.
Those are just possible suggestions. If you have anymore questions, just feel free to post back a reply.
I want to be involved in and surrounded by activities associated with game designing. ----- are you sure? some aspects of it are very tedious! Making games is very different from playing them. I wonder if you might also be getting ready to create all kinds of philosophical, educational, and entertaining multimedia. Maybe your aspirations are much broader. Games are worthy of attention, for sure, (life is all about games) but if you are able to make games you are also able to do all kinds of other things, too.
So, by discussing games and also other multimedia, you can show that you have excellent vision for the future.
I want my career to support my family and me. I will help the company create a good game.---------> these sentences are too boring and obvious! End this essay with a sentence that really feels right! Maybe it should be a sentence about the IMPLICATIONS of this aspiration you have.
So, by discussing games and also other multimedia, you can show that you have excellent vision for the future.
I want my career to support my family and me. I will help the company create a good game.---------> these sentences are too boring and obvious! End this essay with a sentence that really feels right! Maybe it should be a sentence about the IMPLICATIONS of this aspiration you have.