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Math/CS & Tumblr/ NYU supp - Why NYU?

xamanda 8 / 21 2  
Dec 29, 2012   #1
Any and all suggestions/criticisms/ideas are welcome and appreciated!! Thanks peeps! All are currently just barely under character limits.

Tell us why you have chosen the New York campus (using a maximum of 700 characters-spaces and punctuation included).
My suburban upbringing was never more obvious than during my visit to NYU, in the center of the liveliest city I've ever visited. I immediately gravitated towards the culture of New York City and of Greenwich Village, known for its reputation as an artists' haven. NYU's location promises the exposure to diversity that I never experienced in my small hometown. The grandeur of New York promises internship and research opportunities. Pursuing a career in computer science, it is important to me that I graduate as an employable candidate with plentiful experience. And, as I think about NYU's accessibility to many concert halls and museums, I know that NYU is a place where I would have fun, too.

NYU's global network provides students with hundreds of academic areas of interest for students to cultivate their intellectual curiosity and to help achieve their career goals. Whether you are entirely undecided about your academic plans or you have a definitive program of study in mind, what are your own academic interests? Feel free to share any thoughts on any particular programs or how you might explore those interests at NYU on any of our campuses. (1500 Characters)

At NYU, I would want to pursue my interests through a joint major in computer science and mathematics, offered at NYU's College of Arts and Sciences. Math has always been the academic subject I gravitated towards. Growing up, math class was always where I felt the most academically comfortable. I could always grasp the concept, whether I was learning decimals in third grade or trigonometric identities in eleventh grade. Currently in my beloved AP Calculus BC class, I can no longer say that math is always a piece of cake. But, though challenging, I find it manageable. Calculus BC is my favorite class because to me, it is intellectually stimulating. I've always had a tendency towards math, but through my calculus class I realize that I truly enjoy learning math and that I want to pursue it in higher education. And, as for computer science? My interest in coding began when I was nine years old, designing my Kacheek's webpage for my Neopets account, fascinated with how my turned into line breaks and how my <img src="image.jpg">'s turned into images. Years later, I was struck with this same feeling in my computer programming class, typing lines of code into my Java IDE and watching it generate a screen flashing, "Hello, world." Perhaps it was the simple realization that behind the websites and applications we use on a daily basis are programs ultimately made of letters and numbers. Computer science interests me because of the feeling of creating a program merely from text.

What intrigues you? Tell us about one work of art, scientific achievement, piece of literature, method of communication, or place in the world (a film, book, performance, website, event, location, etc.), and explain its significance to you. (1500 Characters)

"Every person you meet, every single one, is looking for their story. There are no exceptions. You become a part of it by how you treat them." Posted a few hours ago, this quote is the first post I see on a blog I have just stumbled upon in hopes of finding a new URL. It is incredibly difficult to find a decent URL for your Tumblr.com blog. In many ways, this is characteristic of virtually all social networking sites. However, I notice that Tumblr is different because all of the taken URLs belong to blogs that are still active. On sites such as Twitter or Gmail, many accounts have been inactive for years. However, during my long sessions of "URL hunting," what never fails to impress me is the care and dedication that goes into nearly every single Tumblr blog I visit. There is a very strong culture in the Tumblr community centering around self-expression and individualism. These bloggers often use pleasant HTML designs, write "About Me" pages, show pictures from their lives, and write about feelings they want to express. They also sometimes post their art, including drawings, prose, or poetry. Through this site I have become more aware that every person has a set of likes and dislikes, positive and negative emotions, and unique experiences and philosophies. Tumblr intrigues and impresses me because it fosters a community so involved in self-expression. Because of this site, I aim to be more compassionate and sympathetic in my daily relationships.

nayelojello 5 / 37 2  
Dec 29, 2012   #2
I have to say that I enjoyed reading the tumblr part, it was so intruguing. loved it
OP xamanda 8 / 21 2  
Dec 29, 2012   #3
Thanks, I was worried talking about a social networking site mights seem a little shallow or clichĂŠ so you're putting my mind at ease. I appreciate the comment! :)
nayelojello 5 / 37 2  
Dec 29, 2012   #4
sure thing, I think that the tumblr aspect will set you apart.

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