Avarice, the excessive desire for money is the most significant challenge facing society today. The saying "money is the root of all evil" should be modified to "Avarice is the root of all evil." Man is naturally insatiable but this insatiability if left unchecked will have dire consequences. Our thirst for immense wealth is fueled by what we see on the television these days. Music videos, together with their lyrics encourage the youth to amass wealth by all means possible. It's no wonder that society is plagued by corruption, embezzlement, armed robbery, organized crime, debt and so on.
'money' society's most significant challenge: stanford supplementary essay
Well... I feel this is a challenge of all times. Even in the past, this is what led people to conquer others' lands or wage war against one another. So, I feel it is not something that is significant in the modern era. However, as you mention, the media provocation did not happen in the past and that is something modern,