As you know, the academic programs at Emerson College are focused on communication and the arts. Please tell us what influenced you to select your first choice major and, if applicable, your second choice major. If you're undecided about your major, what attracted you to Emerson's programs? Please be brief (100-200 words).
My major of choice is film, second is animation (tertiary is producing).
The moving image is one of the most influential forces in the world. It is more than just an exploration of art and messages. It is a devotion to an audience. When I sat in a theater in December of 2003 and fought alongside the heroes of Middle-Earth, I felt more than immersed in the adventure, more than touched by themes and feelings... Passion. I was exposed to the determination of a director and crew, who believed in their craft so much, that they refined more than their skill sets, they transformed themselves. I adore the journeys films take us on, but I am inspired by the commitment to the artistry - and that sincere attention to the art shows. I want to pour my passion into this artform, not just to convey messages and themes, and elicit emotions; but to hone myself. Passion can be found in any career, and perhaps I seek the approval of others through media. But I would rather think that I find satisfaction through self challenge, and justification with the interest of viewers. Film is one of the most influential forces in the world, because I now want to make films.
My major of choice is film, second is animation (tertiary is producing).
The moving image is one of the most influential forces in the world. It is more than just an exploration of art and messages. It is a devotion to an audience. When I sat in a theater in December of 2003 and fought alongside the heroes of Middle-Earth, I felt more than immersed in the adventure, more than touched by themes and feelings... Passion. I was exposed to the determination of a director and crew, who believed in their craft so much, that they refined more than their skill sets, they transformed themselves. I adore the journeys films take us on, but I am inspired by the commitment to the artistry - and that sincere attention to the art shows. I want to pour my passion into this artform, not just to convey messages and themes, and elicit emotions; but to hone myself. Passion can be found in any career, and perhaps I seek the approval of others through media. But I would rather think that I find satisfaction through self challenge, and justification with the interest of viewers. Film is one of the most influential forces in the world, because I now want to make films.