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passionate about exploring -Rice Univ., why do you choose that particular school of study?

FYPSirius 1 / 1  
Dec 17, 2013   #1
With the understanding that the choice of academic school you indicated is not binding, explain why you are applying to that particular school of study. (150 word limit)

I have always been passionate about exploring and researching on ideas and issues that interest me by myself, especially in chemistry and biochemistry. Thus I established a small chemistry lab at my home and had performed experiments both in and beyond the textbook.

However, I often meet problems or phenomena that are beyond my understanding and could not find professional assistance. I was excited to find out that Wiess School of Natural Sciences of Rice Universities provides the Bioscience Research Collaborative opportunity by which I can work with others who have the same enthusiasm as me and get support from the top professors. I am also looking forward to utilizing my knowledge and skills to benefit human medicine and health.

Furthermore, I frequently meet a lack of equipment and chemical reagents when I perform a new experiment. The Chemistry stockroom and Research Support Shop of Wiess School of Natural Sciences provide exactly what I have always yearned for.

These opportunities unique to Rice are precious to improve my own research skills, work with students of same interests and satiate my desire to study further and explore.

I want some comments on the whole structure and grammer of this essay for Rice University. Appreciate criticism!
Thank you so much for your help!

prayush09 3 / 9  
Dec 17, 2013   #2
Even though I don't know how to write proper essay, I enjoyed reading yours :) :) :D
all the best (Y)
OP FYPSirius 1 / 1  
Dec 18, 2013   #3
Thank you all the same! You comment makes me feel more confident. ^_^

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