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People controlling their lives - UCF admission essay

YellowRoses 2 / -  
Sep 21, 2008   #1
Why did you choose to apply to UCF?

I have always been a firm believer that people control their own future. After closely examining everything that UCF has to offer, and at the risk of sounding cheesy, I decided that I genuinely wanted UCF to be apart of my future. During the countless hours of researching colleges to apply to, I disregarded many of them because the logical side of me knew that I had a less than spectacular chance of getting in. While reviewing the freshman academic profile, I was convinced that UCF was going to be one of those schools. Despite this, I continued to look into UCF and was more and more impressed with everything I saw. Because of this, I was persuaded to take a chance and apply. The qualities that first attracted me to UCF were the excellent undergraduate research opportunities, the diversity in the student body, and a gorgeous campus in one of the greatest cities in the world. But the factor that made the biggest impression on me was talking to UCF students. I have several friends that attend UCF, and no matter how many I questioned, they all had nothing but positive things to say about the school. From an outstanding campus life, to dedicated and involved faculty members, everyone I talked to said relatively the same thing: They couldn't imagine going anywhere besides UCF. I have never experienced students that have such an intense pride in their school, and a pride that goes far beyond their sports teams. I truly feel that UCF is a place where students can advance both personally and academically, thrive as both a student and a person, and expand their abilities in all aspects of their life.

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