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'Who is the person you dream of becoming'; Syracuse Newhouse Common app supplement prompts

qcstudent 1 / -  
Jul 6, 2015   #1
Applying to Syracuse Newhouse, Television and Radio, these are the Syracuse common app supplements, they're meant to be quite short

Who is the person you dream of becoming, and how can Syracuse help you achieve this?

I dream of becoming a better leader, a better innovator, a better intellectual. I dream of becoming a more cultured, more informed, more prepared person. I dream of becoming a storyteller. I dream of becoming a filmmaker.

Of one thing I am sure, at this moment in time, I could not be more outgoing, more confident or more self-assured. With these qualities and the priceless opportunities I have experienced through travel, community and education, I have the mindset to achieve these dreams. Yet if there is one thing I have learnt from these opportunities, it is that experience and knowledge are imperative to achievement.

Syracuse provides some of the best facilities, programs and professors available today. Every time I tune into primetime, I can be sure that one of the names scrolling down the screen belongs to a Newhouse alumnae. I don't want to be any specific one of those names. I rather aspire to belong on that list. I dream of becoming a storyteller, a filmmaker. I believe Newhouse can be the place to set me on that path.

Who or what influenced you to apply to Syracuse?

As I studied the expansive list of universities with media programs, I wasn't quite sure what it was I was looking for when it came to my studies in media and storytelling. I read countless 'best in' lists and 'a comprehensive list of' books, consulted an untold amount of websites and articles. It was while flipping through a newly acquired dictionary of communications programs that what I was really looking for dawned on me.

Syracuse's program name is 'Television, Radio and Film'. My love for television has grown to extraordinary heights in past years. The ability to create stories and characters that live and evolve over years in our homes seems, to me, like the ultimate storytelling device. Syracuse's is the only program where Television, comes first. The name was simply an incentive to look into it. So as I thoroughly examined the website, innumerable articles and consulted lists of alumnae, it dawned on my that this was the program where I could really study television, the program where I might meet people who are as passionate about it as I am, the program where I could thrive.

tiyeda 1 / 2  
Jul 8, 2015   #2
dream of becoming a better leader, a better innovator, a better intellectual. I dream of becoming a more cultured, more informed, more prepared person indivisual. I dream of becoming a storyteller. I dream of becoming a filmmaker. Dont use the same word so much when describing
justivy03 - / 2267  
Jul 9, 2015   #3
- I dream of becoming a better leader, a better innovator, a better intellectualindividual ( I believe you mean "individual") .

- I dream of becoming a more cultured,...

- Of One thing I am sure, at this moment in time,...

- Yet if there is one thing I have learntlearned from these opportunities,...

- Syracuse provides some of( the subject we are talking about here is the institution that you want to be in, so they are definitely the best ) the best facilities,...

- I wasn't quite sure what it was that I was looking for when it came to...

- Syracuse's program name is 'Television, Radio and Film'. My love for television has grown to extraordinary heights in the past years.

- The ability to create stories and characters that live and evolve over the years in our homes seems,...

Qcstudent, as I made the corrections above, I feel like there's a few missing parts in your essay.
It lacks the strong will to be part of the institution, the passion is not there or at least not so evident in your essay.

I suggest you add a few more sentences, say something about your aspirations, how the filmmaker in you will be honed by the institution, how you can contribute to the film and television industry. This things should be mentioned in your essay.

Other than the one's mentioned above , the essay is written well.

Keep writing


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