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SMU Supplement - how is SMU good fit for you?

lowcal 12 / 27  
Dec 23, 2009   #1
SMU appeals to students for a variety of reasons, including the strength of academic opportunities, small class sizes, sense of community, location and attractive campus. Please comment on how or why you feel these characteristics or others make SMU a good collegiate fit for you.

By attending SMU, I feel like I will blend in easily into the multiple settings it has to offer. Due to my experience of spending two years at a small class size high school, I believe I will have no conflict in engaging myself into the small student-to-faculty ratio. Also, with my inclination of giving back to the community, by joining one of SMU's service organizations, I will further carry on my passion of helping others. All in all, going to SMU makes me feel like I will be right at home.
anhammond 3 / 28  
Dec 23, 2009   #2
how long does your essay have to be?

your response would really benefit if you could add a specific example of "my inclination of giving back to the community"

overall though it is a great start
OP lowcal 12 / 27  
Dec 23, 2009   #3
thanks for the feedback. unfortunately, the supplement allows only 500 characters? any advice adding or deleting parts?
anhammond 3 / 28  
Dec 23, 2009   #4
get rid of the introduction and get straight to the point. focus on just one aspect of the college like the student-faculty ratio.

you could start with "Due to my experience...small class size high school, I will feel at home in a college with a small student-faculty ratio.

then add a sentence saying why that factor is important to you
it makes you feel at home...
you are a shy person...
or any other reason at makes this answer unique to you. that is the most important part to answering any question
xtyxty 3 / 7  
Dec 23, 2009   #5
your tone is too personal
if this college is not very selective
you are fine
but more info about the college which attract you is needed
like research center, internship, program, etc

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