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I had suffered from being a heavy girl : Common App/ Personal/local concern

wkxsp 1 / 3  
Dec 19, 2012   #1
It would be great if anyone could spend a minute or two to read over my essay and give advice. And I am not a native speaker so there might be some grammatical mistakes Thanks.

Q: Discuss some issue of personal, local, national, or international concern and its importance to you.

What would you say to yourselves if you could travel back? " I was reading a magazine, when this question suddenly popped out in front of me. Most of you might say, I would tell myself to study hard, to confess to your crush, to cherish the time with family, or to enjoy life. For me, I would tell myself to stop wanting to be a 90 pound tiny asian girl and to face the fact that I cannot be as skinny as others.

I had suffered from being a girl on the heavy side. Since I was in kindergarten, I seemed to have "more weight" than my peers. Once I got into sixth grade, I realized the importance of appearance. I noticed that most girls in my school looked skinnier than I did, and guys always laughed at me because I looked like a balloon while I was running. I felt like I was differentiated from other girls, which let my confidence snuff out. I tried to skip meal at home but my mom always forced me to sit at the table. Even though I ate little in school, dieting didn't work well. I didn't lose any weight from eating less food, but I suffered stomachaches almost everyday due to my eating disorder. Every night, I dreamed that I could be as slim as those cover girls when I woke up the second day.

Have you ever thought why I concerns about the body shape so much? It is a phenomena that people are likely to judge others from their appearance. From a school teacher to a business owner, public easily assumes fat people are lazy and careless, whereas a thinner person is usually considered more sedulous. It is quite unfair since people just basically look at a individual, then give this assumption of his or her personality. Due to this perception, people put a lot of efforts to keep themselves skinner no matter it is healthy or not. I have seen a girl only eat few grains of rice for her lunch, or some celebrities abuse of drugs to control their weights. There is no difference between judging people by race and judging them by body shape. Personally, there is nothing can really change the stereotype now, but I think if we are more positive to this issue, general public will have less prejudice.

Now, I still complain about imperfection of my body when I am facing the mirror, but I will never act like I did a few years ago because those bias won't affect my determination to be a healthy girl. Everyone has their own body type, which is inherited from parents, and we should appreciate the way we are instead of trying to change it to another figure by destroying out health.

dumi 1 / 6850  
Dec 19, 2012   #2
You have a great answer for this prompt. This is the first time I came across such a topic and I really like it. I have a few suggestions for you;

Have you ever thought why I concerns about the body shape so much?

Have you ever thought why I am so concerned about my body shape?

It is a phenomena that people are likely to judge others from their appearance.

... I like if you set up a better link with the previous sentence;
It is because of this perception that people generally form on one's appearance.

It is quite unfair since people just basically look at a individual, then give this assumption of his or her personality.

... Bring you into the centre of this message;
I find it is very unfair to judge a person by his or her outer appearance.

Due to this perception, people put a lots of efforts to keep themselves skinner no matter it is healthy or not. I

.... my suggestion;
This perception has driven some people to maintain their body as skinnier as they could, no matter how healthy it is for them.
Good answer and Good Luck!
OP wkxsp 1 / 3  
Dec 19, 2012   #3
thank you so much :)
OP wkxsp 1 / 3  
Dec 19, 2012   #4
hello I made several changes, could you read it again? I am really worry about my grammar:( thank you

" What would you say to yourselves if you could travel back? " I was reading a magazine, when this question suddenly popped out in front of me. Most of the answers will be: I would study hard, I would confess to my crush, or I would cherish the time with family. For me, I would tell myself to live healthier even though I am an oversize Asian girl.

In my country, no matter how tall they are, girl whose weight is over 100 pounds considered as a fat girl. Based on this theory, I was a girl on the heavy side when I was in middle school. I seemed to have "more weight" than most girls in my school. "No, this shirt doesn't have your size." This was the most painful sentence I usually heard when I went shopping. Gradually, I felt inferior when I walked on the street. I started skip the meal to control the weight, but dieting didn't work well. I didn't lose any weight from eating less food; however, I suffered stomachaches almost every day due to my eating disorder. Every night, I dreamed that I could be as slim as those cover girls when I woke up the second day.

Have you ever thought why I am so concerned about my body shape? It is because of this perception that people generally form on one's appearance. From a school teacher to a business owner, public simply assumes fat people are lazy and careless, whereas a thinner person is usually considered more sedulous. It is quite unfair since people just basically look at one's outer appearance, and then give this assumption of his or her personality. Regardless of health, this perception has driven some people to maintain their body as skinnier as they could. I have seen a girl only eat few grains of rice for her lunch, or some celebrities abuse drugs to control their weights. Theoretically, there is no difference between judging people by race and judging them by body shape. Personally, this stereotype is hard to be erased ,but if we are more positive to this issue, general public will have less prejudices.

Now, I still complain about the imperfection of my body when I am facing the mirror, but I will never act like I did a few years ago because that bias won't affect my determination to be a healthy girl. We all know that our body types are determined by our genes, so being a fat person is not a shame. It is not worth to pay the price of staying slim by health. We should appreciate the way we are instead of trying to change it to another figure.
black and white 7 / 30  
Dec 25, 2012   #5
Dear Ye Hong,
I liked your essay very much and find it true. People do judge others on the basis of their built and this is bad. On reading your essay, I found a few mistakes.

"even though I am an oversize Asian girl"- it should be 'oversized Asian girl'; not oversize.
In my country, no matter how tall they are, girl whose weight is over 100 pounds considered as a fat girl. - it should be ... girls whose weigh more than 100 pound, are considered fat.

I started skip the meal to control the weight- started skipping the meals....
...that I could be as slim as those cover girls when I woke up the second day. - it should be 'I would'; not 'I could'.

Have you ever thought why I am so concerned about my body shape?- Instead of this sentence try writing one like this- 'You may be thinking why I am so concerned about my body shape.'- this is because the reader may not necessarily know you from a long period of time and thus think 'why you are so concerned'

of this perception that people generally form on one's appearance- people generally form FROM one's appearance.
I have seen a girl only eat few grains of rice for her lunch, or some celebrities abuse drugs to control their weights - ... girl WHO EATS only.... or some celebrities who take drugs to control their weight.(this is a better sentence)

positive to this issue, general public will have less prejudices - it should be poitive TOWARDS this issue.
Hope these suggestions are found useful to you.
Please help me with my essay.

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