Please I need help with this prompt! Tell me what do you think about the content!
Any editing of grammar, spelling, structure will be welcome!
Thank you in advance for your time! :)
Tell us about the most significant challenge you've faced or something important that didn't go according to plan. How did you manage the situation?(*) (200-250 words)
My first camp in the community help association "A roof for my country". The beneficiaries usually are extremely poor, living in the country side. We had three days to build a house and then went back to the city.
This project pretends not only build houses, but also provide the families a bit of happiness by sharing a good time with the volunteer builders. That was not difficult, this people is very friendly and obliging; they preferred for us to be comfortable at the table while they were eating on the floor. I learned to appreciate them a lot to the point of calling them "my family".
On the second day, my group had built the foundation of the house. However, when the leader came to supervise, we had a terrible disappointment: a minor mistake in measurements. That meant almost everything had to be rebuilt! Our task now was finishing the house in half the time it was supposed to. Big challenge! We could not destroy that family's hope for safe shelter. From there on, we multiplied our efforts. Even I did some duties meant to be done by men, but I didn't care.I would do whatever it takes to finish the house on time.
We were supposed to leave the community at 5:00pm, we finished the house exactly at 4:50pm.
Sleeplessness and fatigue were overshadowed by the happyness they showed while hugging us. I saw tears of joy streamed down the face of Lorena, the seven-year-old daugther.
That was priceless!
Any editing of grammar, spelling, structure will be welcome!
Thank you in advance for your time! :)
Tell us about the most significant challenge you've faced or something important that didn't go according to plan. How did you manage the situation?(*) (200-250 words)
My first camp in the community help association "A roof for my country". The beneficiaries usually are extremely poor, living in the country side. We had three days to build a house and then went back to the city.
This project pretends not only build houses, but also provide the families a bit of happiness by sharing a good time with the volunteer builders. That was not difficult, this people is very friendly and obliging; they preferred for us to be comfortable at the table while they were eating on the floor. I learned to appreciate them a lot to the point of calling them "my family".
On the second day, my group had built the foundation of the house. However, when the leader came to supervise, we had a terrible disappointment: a minor mistake in measurements. That meant almost everything had to be rebuilt! Our task now was finishing the house in half the time it was supposed to. Big challenge! We could not destroy that family's hope for safe shelter. From there on, we multiplied our efforts. Even I did some duties meant to be done by men, but I didn't care.I would do whatever it takes to finish the house on time.
We were supposed to leave the community at 5:00pm, we finished the house exactly at 4:50pm.
Sleeplessness and fatigue were overshadowed by the happyness they showed while hugging us. I saw tears of joy streamed down the face of Lorena, the seven-year-old daugther.
That was priceless!