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Tufts Supplement- Why Tufts, Let your life speak, what makes you happy?

kinfgra16 3 / 6 1  
Dec 30, 2015   #1

Why Tufts?

Tufts was my first college tour and the cooperative and spirited community that surrounded the outskirts of Boston mesmerized me. The student involvement revealed to me how perfect this school is for me. I want to make a change by taking part in the Action for Sexual Assault Prevention organization, Model UN and Tufts Idea Exchange to promote tolerance and innovate thinking. With all the opportunities and supportive faculty member surrounding campus, I have the ability to revolutionize my intellectual and constructive journey as I enter the Jumbo world.

There is a Quaker saying: "Let your life speak." Describe the environment in which you were raised-your family, home, neighborhood or community-and how it influenced the person you are today. (Required length is 200-250 words)

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Think outside the box: take a risk and go somewhere unexpected. Be serious if the moment calls for it but feel comfortable being playful if that suits you, too. (Your response must be between 200 - 250 words.) What makes you happy?

Happiness is a spectrum of emotions that goes from an unstoppable laugh to the butterflies in your stomach. What makes me happy is:
1. The smell of my mom baking my favorite desert and then dipping my finger in the mix.
2. A new customer at Bianco Gelato falling in love with my favorite flavor hazelnut.
3. The orphans in Haiti holding my hand and calling me "Kala"
4. My brother and sister telling me they miss me from California.
5. Going to the movies in my pajamas with my best friend
6. Dinner with my family as we debate over who is more ridiculous Donald Trump or his wife for marrying him.
7. Reading over Samuel Beckett's play "Waiting for Godot" as my mind goes through an existential crisis.
8. Watching one of my students in volleyball get their first serve over.
9. My bulldog snoring so loud it sounds like he's announcing the Apocalypse
10. My grandpa describing me his childhood and life during the Franco regime.
11. Traveling to a new country with no plans to go by.
12. Singing to the top of my lungs in the shower to the soundtrack of Grease
13. My boyfriend sleeping on top of my chest.
14. Enjoying the simplest of things with my loved ones
15. For people to love one another for who they are and to end discrimination.

And for all unfortunate kids to have an opportunity to be loved and live their dream just like I am.

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