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UBC Sauder School of Business - I had changed my lifestyle - Respond to an unfamiliar situation

Hoonyaru 1 / 3  
Jan 13, 2022   #1

Personal Profile Essay


Back to 2020, schools were closed due to the breakout of COVID-19. After an one-month class suspension, all schools in Hong Kong switched their lesson mode from face-to-face to online. As we were not required to open our cameras, I was always sleeping and playing mobile games at home, paying no attention to lessons. Eventually, I had learnt nothing and had failed most of my exams. By then, I looked back at the days when I was a decadent who did not care about her studies at all, I was so ashamed of myself for wasting a whole year. To catch up on my studies, I set up study plans, at the same time searching for subjects that I might be interested in to keep myself motivated. Although I finally pulled myself together, it is never easy to transform a lazybones into a diligent student. When I was exerting myself, I had been distracted a few times, but luckily I got back on track with the determination of being a better self. In the past few months, I had changed my lifestyle. I got up early at five in the morning to revise and consolidate the knowledge I had been missing, doing my best to make up for the lost time. Also, I stay concentrated in lessons and revised every day. There is no denying that it was tough to catch up with others when you had been left behind for a year, but I am glad that I did not give up. Instead, I became more self-disciplined and keen on studying. Even though there are still room my improvement, but I am happy that I had made progress over these months. I had realized that it was never too late to make a change as long as you are determined. I believe hard work pays off, just stay focus and spare no efforts to achieve your goal, then you may accomplish what you want in the end. Albeit you may not get what after pulling out all the steps, you will always get nothing if you never starts.
Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15055 4835  
Jan 13, 2022   #2
The way that students adjusted to online academics during the pandemic is the most common application topic this season. It is no longer a topic that makes a student special, has any impressive references, or allows an insight into the uniqueness of a student. It is a tired topic that the reviewer will be a bit weary of reading about already. I would strongly suggest that you find a different topic to discuss. You may still use the lockdown as the foundation of the discussion, but alter the focus from academic adjustment to something else. I am not sure what you can alter it to, that is something you will have to decide. Just make sure that the situation and related discussion will be notable, highlightable, and memorable when the reviewer reads it.
OP Hoonyaru 1 / 3  
Jan 13, 2022   #3
@Holt Thank you for your help! I'll consider writing the essay in a different topic.

Home / Undergraduate / UBC Sauder School of Business - I had changed my lifestyle - Respond to an unfamiliar situation
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