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UCF essay "bumps in the road" & "unique"

jenny0810 1 / 1  
Oct 20, 2009   #1
this is my first time writing it please tell me what you think!

"Bumps in the road"

High School is the transition between the pre-teen years and young adult years. It will forever mark and change the lives of those who attend. Ask anyone about there high school years and the answer you will most likely receive is that "those were the best years of my life." Your first love, your first car, the million "all niters" you pulled trying to cram for a last minute test, but you also think of the word 'change'. During those 4 years not only did you change physically but also mentally and spiritually. I myself am an example of that. I have learned to overcome any situation and use it for my benefit.

My parents divorced when I was 2 years of age. Anyone who has been through that understand how painful it is. Throughout the years I had resentment toward my father for not being there for me as I grew up. But as I became wiser I understood what I had learned from this, I was able to grow up quicker then most children. And although many would view this as a negative, I'm grateful about it because I understand many things that young adults my age would have a hard time grasping. Those few times I have spent with my dad I have learned to cherish and respect him for who he is no matter if I agree with what he has done or is doing. From this experience I have been taught to be an independent strong women who has learned to forgive other, no matter what they have done. I also have been able to treasure the value of family in a world in which work and pleasure comes before.

There are a thousand of things that can happen to you in your lifetime to change your world upside down. It can be a divorce, a death in the family or something less dramatic but still as impacting. These things make us into the person we are now and I am so very grateful of everything that I have been through. At the end of the day life is about ups and downs and its those down that really show who you are as a person and whom your willing to become.

What qualities or unique characteristics do you possess that would allow you to contribute to the UCF community?

I have never been the best athletic( in reality I've been the worse) and although I have been blessed with knowledge I was always seeking for that other part of me that makes me "unique" and stand out from the crowd. And yes there is so much about my personality that makes me different but it was till this one experience that made me see the best of me. On February 12th, 2009 another regular Thursday, in which the whole student body was settling down in their seats in the gymnasium, iwas getting prepared to speak in front of all of them. I had been preparing myself for this for a month and I was as pumped as I could possible be. As the capelin pronounced my name I looked around and saw that most people had confused looks on their faces, still that did not intimidate me. As I spoke for about an hour I knew that this was for me. During that short time I had never been so happy in my life, even though most people laughed and giggled I knew that I had impacted at least a few people's life. Ever since then I have known that public speaking is my future career might it be a future governor or a youth minister either way I know that UCF can help me accomplish this and so much more. With majors from social work to communication and in between some philosophy, which ever route I take I know that UCF is the university in which the best of me can be bought out.

let me know any advice thank you alot!
reader2011 4 / 9  
Oct 21, 2009   #2
The first essay was very well written, however the second one needs a little more development. First, the one thing that came to mind while reading the second essay was what were you talking about to the student body. Be very specific about that day. Also state how your skill as a public speaker will contribute to UCF. All you state is how UCF will contribute to your skill of public speaking. Talk about how you would make a good spokeswoman for the student government.
OP jenny0810 1 / 1  
Oct 25, 2009   #3
Well the thing about the second essay is that i preached to the school since i attend a Christian school i was allowed to do that. but I'm not sure if that is something that might affect the essay or the reaction of how the reader reads it. Do you still think i should still write that i preach?

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