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Unique qualities - UCF essay; I am loyal, dependable, and hard-working

sportzgrrrl 1 / -  
Aug 24, 2008   #1
What qualities or unique characteristics do you possess that would allow you to contribute to the UCF community?

I woke up to the sound of music blaring near my ear. I quickly turned it down. It was pitch black outside and everyone in my house was asleep. My alarm clock read 3:40 am. I had to be at work in twenty minutes because we were doing our monthly floor set. I thought about what would happen if I just did not show up. As much as I wanted to, I could not do it. I said I would be there and I intended on doing so. I am loyal, dependable, and hard-working. Ever since I can remember I have wanted a job. So two months after I turned sixteen I got a job at a "Limited Too." I am still employed there a year and a half later. Since I have been working there I have seen many people hired and many people quit. I am one of the longest standing employees and I believe this is because of my loyalty. Once I make a decision to do something, I stick to it. On the schedule I usually have the most hours, after the managers, of course. I believe this is because of my dependability. I always report to work, on time, on my scheduled days. I have only called in sick once. On days they need extra help, they call me because they know I will help them out. I will also come in earlier or stay later if they need me to. My managers know I am dependable. I am also one of the only associates who work floor sets. I believe this is because I am hard-working. Floor sets are generally done only by the managers before or after store hours, but I have been doing it since I started working there. Generally, getting up at four in the morning for a floor set is not my ideal Sunday, but I know my managers have asked me because I work hard. I almost think of it as a privilege to be there with them. My reward for all my hard work was a pay raise. My reward in college will be a diploma. I plan on applying to the College of Nursing and I know I have to work hard to be accepted. I plan on attending every class and working my hardest. Whether it is completing my degree or rooting for the sports teams, I plan to be a loyal Knight. And when it comes to making friends and becoming involved in campus activities I will be dependable. For me, I know that academic achievement is the direct result of hard-work.

I don't know how to end it or if it's even decent.
Please help.
EF_Team5 - / 1,586  
Aug 25, 2008   #2
Good job. Just a few mechanical errors, but I do like the ending much better. Keep up the nice work!

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