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Where is Waldo Really - CU Essay requirement.

Odgie 1 / -  
Dec 27, 2012   #1
PLEASE review and comment on my essay for CU:

So what is Waldo really?

The universal game of 'Where's Waldo' continues to capture the imagination of all, young and old alike energetically search for him in all the common places in the world - beaches, living rooms, bedrooms and all tourist attractions. When he suddenly pops up in what is usually a very obvious place we are surprised that we did not see him sooner - he was right there all along, hiding in plain sight.

My view of Waldo epitomises the concept of hiding in plain sight: (;)"The best place to hide something is out in the open. Nobody ever thinks to look there." Robert Anton Wilson. This tactic is used (to - DELETE) very good effect in various walks of life - some informal and ordinary, others for more sinister, and secretive aims.

The aim of hiding something in plain sight is that it is (A) human nature to look for secrets and treasure in deep dark places. In the end it often turns out that it was plainly visible all the time, and(, - DELETE TOO MUCH PUNCTUATION MARK) like Waldo, is disguised as an ordinary object!

Hidden in plain sight is becoming a very popular management philosophy. So many times the answers to some of our most complex problems are right there in front of us, (only - DELETE) we are (JUST) too focused on posturing, politics, people or other problems that prevent us from discovering the answer to the solution which is right under our noses. If we would only stop to see the world around us, to read what people have written or listen to what they have said, the answers would just magically appear(s - DELETE) right in front of us.

Where's Waldo also reinforces another common 'plain sight' behaviour - ignoring the Elephant in the Living Room. This behaviour is a favourite of people who are too afraid to ask that difficult question and I enjoy challenging someone who is conspicuously avoiding a topic. In American politics, this is known as a Third Rail Issue, after the third rail in a subway system which is held at high voltage to provide power to the trains that run on it (and hence would be unpleasant, if not suicidal, to touch). It refers to an issue where the electorate both feel strongly about, and are sharply divided on what to do about it(; - DELETE) therefore, a compromise solution is unlikely to satisfy anyone and will just make everyone angry. As a result, no one attempts to do anything.

From a political point of view, within South Africa the practice of not addressing the Elephant in the Living Room was prevalent in most white South African households during the Apartheid era. I am fortunate to be a born a 'Freeborn' as I was born in 1994 - the year of our first democratic elections. Studying History at school(,) it became very obvious that the average white South African during the Apartheid era was expert in not addressing the Elephant in the Room - choosing to remain oblivious to the harsh realities this law was imposing on the majority of South African citizens.

It was only after the world imposed trade sanctions on South Africa(, - DELETE) and the struggle against Apartheid became militant internally - thus refusing to allow South Africans to ignore this Elephant any longer - that the government of South Africa entered into negotiations with the ANC to eradicate it and work towards a free and democratic country. A country which I proudly call home today.

I believe that this struggle towards (a - DELETE) democracy, which was achieved without any civil war, has taught all South Africans of all colours, genders and ages, not to be afraid to address that Elephant in the Room. Not to be afraid to find Waldo and point him out to all. We are a proud nation and often surprise and shock members of other nations with our honesty with each other. We have learnt(LEARNED) the hard way what the Waldo effect can do to a country and refuse to allow him to hide in plain sight any longer.

justivy03 - / 2330  
Apr 13, 2015   #2
Odgie, once you get this few tips, proof read your essay again and make it habit, PROOF READING is a the best way to check your work and make sure that you did the best you could.

'till next time, Cheers!!!

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