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'youth outreach clubs' - How my goals relate to my interests- Georgetown

karina23 2 / 2  
Jun 19, 2012   #1
Prompt: Please relate your interest in studying at Georgetown University to your goals. How do these thoughts relate to your chosen course of study?

Since the age of nine, it has been my dream to become a doctor. At first, I wanted the pristine white lab coat, shiny stethoscope, and kind demeanor that all my doctors seemed to have. When I was diagnosed with vitiligo, a skin condition, I truly came to appreciate the dedication and compassion with which doctors seem to effortlessly maintain. In high school, when it came time to explore my career options and determine exactly what it was that I wanted to do with my life, the word "doctor" was always in the back of my mind. The psychology course I took in my junior year of high school helped me to finally make my decision. My passion for medicine and natural affinity for the sciences, combined with my newfound interest in the brain and human behavior showed me that my real calling was a career in the field of neurobiological research.

When I found out that Georgetown offered neurobiology as a major, I put it on my list of colleges to consider. When I found out about the high percentage of Georgetown students who are admitted to medical school, I was more than interested. When I found out about its highly ranked medical school and the plethora of research opportunities afforded to undergraduates, I knew that Georgetown was the best match for me. One of the things that I'm excited for is the RISE (Research Intensive Senior Experience) Program. Having a year dedicated to a research project will make me a much stronger student and help me gain hands-on experience in the field. Another thing I appreciate among Georgetown's resources for science majors is the Mentis Vita. This publication is an excellent way for students to stay connected with research work being done on campus. Reading about the work done by my peers would definitely encourage me to grow academically and contribute my own research papers to the journal. The Mentis Vita, along with the Pre-Med Society, shows me that Georgetown offers a highly connected and supportive program for pre-medical students.

Although I'm passionate about medicine, my interests do not lie solely in the sciences. I'm an avid reader and writer and I've been named a national winner in the Live Poets Society High School Poetry Contest. For this reason, I appreciate the freedom offered to Georgetown pre-medical students in terms of course selection. I like the idea of being able to explore my interests outside of the math and science fields. The vast array of extracurricular activities and clubs is also a great way for me to discover new areas of interest. Writing for one of Georgetown's newspapers or journals, like The Hoya or The Georgetown Voice, would be helpful in further developing my writing skills. The huge number of dance groups on campus would allow me to continue the passion for dance that I've had since I was young. My dedication to volunteering and giving back to the community can be easily continued through the huge number of active community service groups in Georgetown. In particular, I would like to be involved in the youth outreach clubs that exist on campus. I am a firm believer in the importance of literacy for children and I am motivated to work towards fostering a love for learning among grade school students.

This is my rough draft and I have no idea if I'm doing this right so any help would be appreciated! I'm not sure how to close it either...any tips on conclusion?

Thanks for the help!

EF_Susan - / 2311  
Jun 20, 2012   #2
When I was diagnosed with vitiligo, a skin condition, I truly came to appreciate the dedication and compassion with which doctors seem to effortlessly maintain.

My passion for medicine and natural affinity for the sciences, combined with my new found interest in the brain and human behavior showed me that my real

One of the things that I'm excited about is the RISE (Research Intensive Senior Experience) Program.

The vast array of extracurricular activities and clubs is also a great way for me to discover new areas of interest.---This is great!

This is coming along quite nicely, and for an ending, I would just add something like, "...so for all of these reasons, I know Georgetown is the best school for me to ..."

Good luck with school and have fun!


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