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Becoming whistleblowers - Honesty and what we sacrifice

jerry 17 / 10  
Sep 25, 2008   #1
Thank you, Gloria!

Here is today essay

If we valued honesty, we would be willing to risk our jobs to become whistleblowers and tell truths that our employers did not want revealed. If we valued success, we would give up our free time in order to excel in a subject or sport. In other words, the sacrifices we are willing to make reveal what we care about the most.

Can what we value be determined only by what we sacrifice? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue.

Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations

What we sacrifice definitely reveals what we care about the most. I am living in Vietnam. There are many things, such as my country itself, influence my stance on this statement. My experience about the life also gives me many reasons to believe in that statement. In a word, I totally agree with the notion that what we sacrifice have a crucial role in determine what we are trying to achieve.

Vietnam - a developing country - is a good model to exemplify this ...

EF_Team5 - / 1585  
Sep 25, 2008   #2
Good evening.

"What we sacrifice definitely reveals what we care about the most. I am living in Vietnam. There are many things, such as my country itself, that influence my stance on this statement. My experiences in life also gives me many reasons to believe in that statement. In a word, I totally agree with the notion that what we sacrifice have a crucial role in determine what we are trying to achieve.

Vietnam - a developing country - is a good model to exemplify this statement's correctness . In this developing country, the government cares most about the improvement of people's lives . There are so many people who are so poor to have an ordinary life; what those people want is not a comfortable life but just a life with enough food to survive. In this condition, the government has to sacrifice something. What is developed in advanced country such as space exploration has being dismissed in Vietnam. To the government, while the people's lives are not improved, and the nation budget will not be provided to some other less important national plans. A few of the national budget saved today will leave a more meaningful budget tomorrow to spend on a better health care system, a saner economy policy, and better people's lives.

When I was ten years old, just as many of my pioneers have their own passions, so did I love playing piano very much; the city's music school was granting a scholarship for pupils who had the tendency to play piano well. I first intended to apply for the scholarship, but the situation at that time did not allow me to do what I loved. I needed to learn some academic subjects to prepare to the elementary school graduation test. To not make my parents frustrated, I had to spend most of my time in do in academic exercises and hardly had time playing piano. Without training hard in playing piano, I failed in achieving the scholarship. Because what I valued most in that time was studying academic subjects, I had to sacrifice my chance to develop my piano skills.

Each person has different aims to pursue . What we try to achieve reveals not only a part of our characteristics but also the things that we care about the most. My personal experience and what I know about the developing progress of my country has proved this opinion, not adequately, but I think it is enough to substantiate my stance on the statement."

Nice example.

Moderator, EssayForum.com

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