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TOEFL-The best way to learn about a foreign country......

chxz1020 5 / 14  
Aug 28, 2011   #1
Agree or disagree:The best way to learn about a foreign country is reading newspapers and magazines.

In modern society, it is necessary for people to learn about foreign contries, because knowing other countries which are not people's hometowns widen their knowledge.However,the methods of learning are totally different. Some people might say that reading newspapers and magazines is the best way, but I disagree. In my perspective,the best ways to learn about a foreign country are traveling and watching its native movies.

Traveling to a foreign country provides people a great opportunity to experience the country in person.Take me as an example.I wanted to learn about Australia,so I traveled there when I was 11 and personally experienced its unique culture and Australians' relaxing lifestyle.All the Australians love oceans.They do many kinds of water sports, such as:swimming,surfing,and skateboarding. I'd love to call it an ocean country.In addition,few Australians seem to be suffering from too much pressure unlike in some developing countries where almost everyone,from teenagers to old people,is enduring unending stress.The Australians go to work at 9 in the morning and go home at 4 in the afternoon.Once the time is up,they refuse to work for 1 second longer,no matter how important their work is."It's already 4,I need to go.Everything must wait till tomorrow", a native salesgirl said to me when I asked her to sell me one more ice cream at 4:01. It's unbelievable to me,but makes me more interested in this distant country.Through my trip to Australia,I knew Australia's special affinity with the sea and the unique Australian relaxing lifestyle which I rarely saw.

Local movies enable foreigners to understand local people's habits, behavior, and moral values. My geography teacher said a lot of fantastic story about India and I began to watch Indian movies to know something about it. For example, by watching the movie "Bride and Prejudice", I became aware of the changing face of India.In the movie, girls despise arrogant Americans and are eager to find their true love instead of the so-called Mr.right. I used to think that women have no freedom in India.Through the movie, I acknowledged that Indian women were, in fact, independent and smart and India is changing rapidly through time. If I had never watched that Indian movie, I would never have known new Indian values so deeply.By watching local movies,foreigners change their original thoughts and became much more curious about the foreign countries.

Traveling and watching movies are better ways to learn about a foreign country than reading newspapers and magazines.By those two ways, foreigners are able to know a country deeply and completely.

OP chxz1020 5 / 14  
Aug 29, 2011   #2
I'm not good at grammar,but are you sure?

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