Migration is usual mobility of animals especially birds, and they will fly hundreds and thousands of kilometers to find the best conditions and habitats for feeding, breeding and raising their young. They will fly to other regions where conditions are better, and when the conditions at breeding sites become unfavorable. Furthermore, there are many different migration patterns of birds in the world. The majority of birds migrate from Northern Hemisphere which is the breeding areas existing, to Southern Hemisphere that wintering grounds being. However, some birds breed in southern parts of Africa continent and migrate to Northern wintering grounds, or horizontally, to enjoy the milder coastal climates in winter. Other birds reside on low-level lands during the winter months and move up a mountain for the summer. Also, there are nocturnal and diurnal migrants of birds. In nocturnal migrants, those birds rely on the illumination of stars for navigation in the night. Contrarily, in diurnal migrants, they migrate during the day and rely on the sun to find the place that their migration aim is located.
Birds fly hundreds and thousands of kilometers to find the best conditions and habitats
Hi Asma!
Migration is an usual formobility of animals mobility especially birds, andwhich they will fly hundreds thousands (...) and raising their youngchicks. They will fly to other regions where theconditions are better, andorwhen the conditions at ...
... that wintering groundsbeinglocated.
... lands during the wintersmonths and movemoving up a mountain ...
... illumination of stars for navigationin theat night.
.., they migrate duringthea day and rely on the sun ...
Migration is an usual for
... that wintering grounds
... lands during the winters
... illumination of stars for navigation
.., they migrate during
Hello, Asma :)
Migration is a usual mobility (need an article) of animals, especially birds, and ...
They will fly to other regions where the conditions are ...
When dealing with unfavorable conditions, they will fly to other regions where provide better environment for breeding.
... from Northern Hemispherewhich iswhere the breeding areas is existing, to Southern ...
... months and move upato the mountain forduring the summer.
In nocturnal migrants, Those nocturnal migrants birds rely on the illumination ...
s]Contrarily, in In contrast to diurnal migrants, (...) on the sun to find their destinations.the place that their migration aim is located.
Migration is a usual mobility (need an article) of animals, especially birds, and ...
They will fly to other regions where the conditions are ...
When dealing with unfavorable conditions, they will fly to other regions where provide better environment for breeding.
... from Northern Hemisphere
... months and move up
s]Contrarily, in In contrast to diurnal migrants, (...) on the sun to find their destinations.