I'm making an early attempt at a CLEP essay for College Composition. Any helpful critiques would be great as I'd really like an honest opinion of my efforts.
Assignment: I don't care how poor a person is; if he has family, he's rich
The love, support and companionship of a family cannot be measured in any type of physical or traditional currency. Its worth is priceless. Since the beginning of time man has existed in a family or clan based environment much like many animals in the wild such as wolves, gorillas and our most closely related relative the chimpanzee. Abraham Maslow in his groundbreaking 1943 paper on basic human needs identified social inclusion as one of the four most critical human needs in his Hierarchy of Needs model.
Early man relied on his tribe or clan to hunt, provide food, raise offspring and combat rivals. Without the support of the clan they would have little to no chance of long term survival. I would venture to say that during this period, predating traditional forms of currency, the inclusion into a clan or similar family group would have provided the most valuable currency of all; survival.
In the middle ages, extended family groups living communally was commonplace. Members would work to tend crops and livestock, raise children, care for the elderly and again protect themselves and their property. In many cultures the penalty of being banished from the clan as an outcast was akin to a death sentence as an individuals chance of survival was remote.
The existence of communal family living has all but vanished in modern times but an extended family relationship is still vital to modern man. Social networking has introduced a new form of family communication as members can share experiences, photos and videos in real time from anywhere in the world. A family bond ensures companionship no matter how geographically distant. With a few mouse clicks or keystrokes families can provide comfort, share important news, send holiday greetings or even forward funds. This type of readily available family support though not traditional in a physical way can be critical even lifesaving to a family member in distress.
The priceless value of family has been demonstrated throughout the history of the planet as in most instances it means survival. When faced with death, hunger or even loneliness there is no physical currency that can provide the priceless, lifesaving comfort and support of family.
Assignment: I don't care how poor a person is; if he has family, he's rich
CLEP essay for College Composition
The love, support and companionship of a family cannot be measured in any type of physical or traditional currency. Its worth is priceless. Since the beginning of time man has existed in a family or clan based environment much like many animals in the wild such as wolves, gorillas and our most closely related relative the chimpanzee. Abraham Maslow in his groundbreaking 1943 paper on basic human needs identified social inclusion as one of the four most critical human needs in his Hierarchy of Needs model.
Early man relied on his tribe or clan to hunt, provide food, raise offspring and combat rivals. Without the support of the clan they would have little to no chance of long term survival. I would venture to say that during this period, predating traditional forms of currency, the inclusion into a clan or similar family group would have provided the most valuable currency of all; survival.
In the middle ages, extended family groups living communally was commonplace. Members would work to tend crops and livestock, raise children, care for the elderly and again protect themselves and their property. In many cultures the penalty of being banished from the clan as an outcast was akin to a death sentence as an individuals chance of survival was remote.
The existence of communal family living has all but vanished in modern times but an extended family relationship is still vital to modern man. Social networking has introduced a new form of family communication as members can share experiences, photos and videos in real time from anywhere in the world. A family bond ensures companionship no matter how geographically distant. With a few mouse clicks or keystrokes families can provide comfort, share important news, send holiday greetings or even forward funds. This type of readily available family support though not traditional in a physical way can be critical even lifesaving to a family member in distress.
The priceless value of family has been demonstrated throughout the history of the planet as in most instances it means survival. When faced with death, hunger or even loneliness there is no physical currency that can provide the priceless, lifesaving comfort and support of family.