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The causes and some possible solutions to overcome traffic congestion

amrillahmk 29 / 47 6  
Oct 24, 2016   #1
Many cities have serious problem with traffic congestion

What are the causes of these problems and what are some possible solutions?

Every metropolitan city in the world must be facing the issue of traffic jam. This happens because of some reasons, such as uneven development which led to transmigration from rural to urban area, the growing number of cars on our streets, and at last, the road space which remains unchaged from year to year. The government must take initiatives to handle this problem by proposing some fresh solutions, such as encouraging people to use public transportation, limiting the ownership of private cars as well as the number of people in cars when it is used.

Traffic congestion is not a new problem; however, government, for example in Indonesia, finds it hard to overcome this matter. The primary reason of this issue, I think, comes from uneven development in each province so that it is triggered many people to move so as to seek a decent life by working in modern cities. Another cause of this problems comes from the increasing sum of cars which are used by many people, but this is not followed by constructing new roads; consequently, many cars bogged down on the streets due to lack of roads.

Regarding to this matter, some solutions could be proposed in order to help reducing traffic congestion. One of the solutions is to encourage people to use public transportation so that the number of private vehicles on the streets go down. Another solution is to introduce laws which forbade people to have more than 2 vehicles as well as to limit the minimum number of passengers in cars, and thus people do not use, for example, one car for one person. By doing as such, I strongly believe the traffic jam on the streets will decrease progressively.

In conclusion, the issue of traffic congestion is something like people cannot shun in many modern cities and needs strenuous effort to be overcome. The causes of this problem could come from many aspects as what has been explained; thus, government will play significant roles by proposing some policies to reduce the congestion.
ichanpants89 [Contributor] 16 / 776 309  
Oct 25, 2016   #2
Hi Amril,

Let me sum up several things that you need to consider in order to improve your band score. I hope this would be helpful towards your writing skill development.

- You still have problems in spelling, try to reduce it or eliminate it if possible. This is one of the essential indicators to reach band 6 or above.

- Your introduction paragraph seems too bulky. Try to sum up the information by using this simple-but-effective structure that I got from IELTSadvantage.com as follows:

Sentence 1- Paraphrase question
Sentence 2- Outline sentence (say what you will discuss in the rest of the essay)

Sentence 3- State problem
Sentence 4- Explain what problem is
Sentence 5- What is the result of this problem
Sentence 6- Example

Sentence 7- State solution
Sentence 8- Explain how solution will solve problem
Sentence 9- Example

Sentence 10- Summary of main points in paragraphs 2 and 3
Sentence 11- Prediction or recommendation

If you are worried this type of structure cannot possibly reach 250 words, you are definitely wrong. I had some experience in writing by using this type of structure and I could reach more than 250 words. My suggestion is that it is better to write only one problem and one solution than more than that. Writing more than one problem and one solution would be time-consuming and you won't be able to catch up the time for task 1. One problem and one solution can also be a powerful weapon to explain everything clearly.

Hope this helps mate! :)
OP amrillahmk 29 / 47 6  
Oct 26, 2016   #3
Thankyou mas icaan! i am starting to recall what ES had been taught. i often forgot the structure for each type of questions, so your feedback helps a lot. anw, what do you mean by saying "i have problem in spelling" i don't get it. could you elucidate more? thank you, i highly appreciate it

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