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wanttobebetter 4 / 6 1  
Oct 21, 2023   #1

Traffic jam has become increasingly problematic in big cities.
In your opinion, what are the causes and solutions to them?

Due to a dramatic rise in population, traffic jam has been a globally debatable issue. This essay will discuss rooted causes and give possible solutions to address the problem.

There are countless reasons leading to traffic congestion. First and foremost, residents prefer personal vehicles to public transport. Life in the city is often noisy and glamorous anh people migrating from the countryside are overwhelmed with the hectic pace and charm in urban areas. As a result, the population is rising uncontrollably, causing congested roads a high level of saturation in rush hours. High buildings and skyscrapers are being set up but there is not enough space for a large number of inhabitants. Additionally, roads and lanes are occupied by street vendors and for entertaining activities (for example: playing football on sidewalks). Streets are also venues for weddings, special events and so on. Therefore, roads are getting narrower and traffic congestion is worsening.

To solve this dilemma, the government should impose new policies on limiting vehicles moving on the roads. Individuals should better prioritize public transport instead of owning cars only for gratification because it is essential to lessen the number of transportation to alleviate traffic jam. Companies also can allow employees to work from home or change office hours so that working time of parents will not coincide with schooling time of children.

In conclusion, traffic jam is still one of the primary problems in our contemporary world. I strongly believe that those satisfactory answers can partly deal with the aforementioned causes.
Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15055 4835  
Oct 25, 2023   #2
Due to a dramatic rise in population,

This is a personal opinion on your part. Therefore, you cannot use this as a part of the prompt restatement. The prompt restatement demands that you only rephrase the original information provided. You could move this personal opinion to your writer's opinion section towards the end of the paragraph though. You will receive additional points towards this statement since it helps establish a clear idea of what your discussion will be about. There will be 2 deductions for this paragraph. The incorrect positioning of your personal opinion, and the lack of proper personal opinion presentation in response to the questions provided.

There are countless reasons leading to traffic congestion. First and foremost,

Do not waste the word count and writing time on filler presentations. A filler presentation is a sentence that does not help to move your thought process or explanation along. You do not need long introductions. What you actually need are topic anchor sentences at the start of every paragraph.
greattako 1 / 1  
Oct 26, 2023   #3
"Due to a dramatic rise in population, traffic jam has been a globally debatable issue. "
In the beginning, you should just paraphrase the title, highlight how PROBLEMATIC in city.
For example, you can say "Traffic congestion has become a pressing issue in cities worldwide", then add your conclusion about 2 reason. It will be more clearer for examiner to get your point.

In the body, you should expand the illustration to support your viewpoint like "why people prefer personal vehicles". Be specific and convictive.

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