Comprehensive Note on ' Flatterers get together,the devil goes for dinner'
Please my friends help me to improve my english writting, below i write the note on quote that is
'flatterers get together,the devil goes for dinner'.
Flattering is a social evil. It has devastating consequences for the Society. Corruption, Nepotism, Favoritism is some by product of this evil. The Flattered lost the touch with reality when he is surrounded by flatterers and he started to work according to their wishes.
You should say "flattery" instead of flattering. Do you know the word "flattery?" It means the act of flattering.
Flattery is a social evil. It has devastating consequences for society. Corruption, nepotism, and favoritism are some byproducts of this evil. The flattered person loses touch with reality when he is surrounded by flatterers, and he starts to work according to their wishes.
You seem to have a lot of wisdom! This is an interesting topic.
Please practice typing the paragraph with the corrections I made. Notice that I took out all those unnecessary capital letters.
You are already doing well. Now follow this procedure:
1. Think of 3 ideas about why flattery is destructive and a way of committing evil acts. Write a sentence about each idea.
2. Turn each of those 3 sentences into a whole paragraph by adding a few sentences after each. Add sentences of examples and explanation.
Do you know what I mean? Each paragraph should be about 1 idea, and that idea should be stated in the first sentence of the paragraph and explained in the rest of the paragraph.
Begin by thinking about the 3 ideas you will express about flattery. Maybe flattery can contribute to evil in 3 different ways.
Flattery is a social evil. It has devastating consequences for the Society. Corruption, nepotism, favoritism is some byproduct of this evil. The Flattered lost the touch with reality when he is surrounded by flatterers and he started to work according to their wishes.
The flattery first targets merit. It directed towards gaining undeserved favor which may be position, contract or any matter of importance. If employee gets promotion due to his flattery skill instead of hard work and competency to the position, then morale of other workers is adversely effect, and same goes for the effectiveness of the company. The seed of destruction is sow in the organization and party starts for devil.
Flatterers are around the person which has power or authority in any sphere of life. They started to fill their prey's heart and mind with vanity and pride that he loss the balance of the mind. He gradually lost the touch with reality and wishes to always occupy by flatterers.
Flattered person lost his balanced; he could not tolerate the positive criticism, he believes that he is inculpable. Satan could not do more mischief to human. He may leave him alone to take his dinner as his works is done flatterers.
Corruption, nepotism, favoritism is are some byproducts of this evil.
The flattered person loses touch with reality when he is surrounded by flatterers, and he starts to work according to their wishes.
The flattery first targets merit. It directed towards gaining undeserved favor which may be a position, contract, or any matter of importance. ---- excellent sentence!! I cannot write sentences as good as this. You are doing well.
If an employee gets a promotion due to his flattery skill instead of hard work and competence in the position, then the morale of other workers is adversely effected, and the same goes for the effectiveness of the company. ---- another good one!!!
Practice typing these with the corrections I made. Practice each sentence 10 times!!! Typie the correct way over and over 10 times, and speak it aloud.
I think you are making good progress.
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