The table ilustrates the different between the percentage of cost-of-living averages in two different towns and compares to national cost of living average. Overal it can be seen that the cost-of-living in Riveldale is higher than in Cape Alicia.
Rigarding accomodation sectors, cost of housing in Riverdale has the highest percentage at 19%, while in Cape Alicia only at -12.5%. In utilities and transportation sector, while Riverdale has around one in twenty, cost in Cape Alicia city just under 1.5% compared to national average. While cost of health in Riverdale is 7%, it is only 0.8% in Cape Alicia.
Turning to groceries and clothing sectors, Riverdale has 4.7% above national average in the cost of groceries, while Cape Alicia only has point of five. Finaly, cost of clothing sector in Riverdale five times higher than in Cape Alicia that only has 1% above national average.
Rigarding accomodation sectors, cost of housing in Riverdale has the highest percentage at 19%, while in Cape Alicia only at -12.5%. In utilities and transportation sector, while Riverdale has around one in twenty, cost in Cape Alicia city just under 1.5% compared to national average. While cost of health in Riverdale is 7%, it is only 0.8% in Cape Alicia.
Turning to groceries and clothing sectors, Riverdale has 4.7% above national average in the cost of groceries, while Cape Alicia only has point of five. Finaly, cost of clothing sector in Riverdale five times higher than in Cape Alicia that only has 1% above national average.