The diagram reveals the information about processing of steam which use a gas-cooled nuclear reactor. Overall, It is noticeable that the production of steam requires three chief steps.
To begin, the water is injected through gas blower, after being injected then the water turns into cool gas duct. Following this, the cool gas duct is flowed into a shield which is made by concrete
In the second stage of the processing, the cool gas duct is heated by an uranium fuel element which have a assign to provide energy and to heat the cool gas duct. At this point, pressure vessel, graphite moderators are also have a dominant effect to control the process of reaction. In order to turn cool gas duct into hot gas duct, fuel charge tubes and boron is required to maintain heating process.
In the final phase, subsequently, hot gas duct is changed a form into steam. After being processed, hot gas duct is eventually turned into steam and is shot by turbo-alternator to the free air.
To begin, the water is injected through gas blower, after being injected then the water turns into cool gas duct. Following this, the cool gas duct is flowed into a shield which is made by concrete
In the second stage of the processing, the cool gas duct is heated by an uranium fuel element which have a assign to provide energy and to heat the cool gas duct. At this point, pressure vessel, graphite moderators are also have a dominant effect to control the process of reaction. In order to turn cool gas duct into hot gas duct, fuel charge tubes and boron is required to maintain heating process.
In the final phase, subsequently, hot gas duct is changed a form into steam. After being processed, hot gas duct is eventually turned into steam and is shot by turbo-alternator to the free air.