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An explanation regarding developing populations in the Chorleywood village near London - ielts 1

Arundyna 12 / 16 2  
Dec 6, 2015   #1
An explanation regarding developing populations in the Chorleywood village near London between 1868 and 1994. Overall, it clearly can be seen that, there was four periods of time, which contain expand inhabitants and each of area was near of 3 major lines of transportation.

At the first time of area, from 1868 to 1883, there was a small field covered by the Chorleywood. It offered just main road which very closed with the Chorleywood Park and Golf course. Furthermore, the village had created motorway in 1970. The countryside was an increased area along the main road in the south between 1883 and 1922. At this time, the railway line constructed in the field from the east to west.

The growing of village continued to east and west alongside the railway line in 1922-1970. While on the other part, it raised in population around motorway in the five immense areas intersection with the railway and one of the main road from 1970 to 1994.

Nofrinorman 27 / 17 8  
Dec 7, 2015   #2
Hi Arundyna. Let me give you some polishes feedback...

An explanation regarding developing populations in the Chorleywood village near London between 1868 and 1994 . A developing populations in the Chorleywood village near London between 1868 and 1994 is illustrated in the diagram . Overall, it clearly can be seen that, there was four periods of time, which the inhabitants had been expanded . and Each of area was near ofnearby 3 major lines of transportation.

At the first time of areabeginning of developing area , from 1868 to 1883, there was a small field covered by the Chorleywood. It offered just main road which very closed with the Chorleywood Park and Golf course. FurthermoreFollowing the years , the village had created motorway in 1970. The countryside was an increased area along the main road in the south between 1883 and 1922. At this time, the railway line constructed in the fieldland from the east to west.

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