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Factors to broadcast good news and bad news-ielts task 2

beepro21 15 / 22  
Aug 24, 2011   #1
News editors decided what to broadcast on TV and what to print in newspapers. What factors do you think influence these decisions? Do we become used to bad news? Would it be better if more good news were reported?

News on TV and in newspapers is decided by news editors whose decisions are influenced by many different factors. It is likely that bad news seem to be reported more than good news. Some people suggest that good news should be given more priority than bad one. However, I don't think it's a good idea.

There are some factors that decide whether news is made public or not. The content of news is the primary criteria considered by the editors. Each day hundred of big and small events take place in different fields of life such as economy, culture, sports, education, politics and entertainment. The editors only choose the most striking one which may attract or relate to a large number of viewers or readers. For example, the activities of some political leaders, the conflicts among parties, information about increase in price of petrol and gold or news of natural disasters tend to be reported rather than trivial news or rumors about private lives of some celebrities.

Life always has both good sides and bad ones and the duty of newspapers and the media is to reflect the truth. Everyday, people hear about bad news such as crime, social evils, unemployment rate, serious diseases, traffic accidents... Nevertheless, we should accept it as an undeniable part of life and should find solutions to the problems. The aims of reporting bad news is to help us to be aware of the reality and to avoid the bad things as much as possible. On the other hand, too much bad news can make people become optimistic and lack beliefs in life. Therefore, good news is necessary to direct people toward kindness, good luck and happiness.

However, it doesn't mean that the more good news is reported , the better everything will be . If too much good news is report on TV or in newspapers, the citizens may have an idealized view of life. Some of them may think that the life is full of pink or be completely dim about bad things which always exist currently.

In conclusion, I think that there should have the balance between the amount of good and bad news reported on TV and in newspapers, which requires truly wise and experienced news editors.

Please help me check this writing. Many thanks!

amrosca 4 / 130  
Aug 24, 2011   #2
Hei there! :D

I really like your essay. Below are some corrections.
Good luck!

good news should be given more priority than bad ones .

rather than trivial news or rumors about private lives of some celebrities. -- Are you kidding me? I found out about Kim Kardashian's wedding from the evening news a whole country watches. /:) Not to mention there are so may news sites and channels and magazines that focus only on celebrities.

the duty of newspapers and the media is to reflect the truth. -- All news reflect the truth, so that's not the problem. The problem is what part of the truth we decide we want to see.

traffic accidents. -- I would use a full stop, there is no need for a serious pause after that enumeration.

[new para] On the other hand, too much bad news can make people become optimisticpessimistic and lack beliefs in life. Therefore, good news is necessary to direct people toward kindness, good luck and happiness.

If too much good news is reported on TV or in newspapers, [...]

In conclusion, I think that there should have thebe a balance between
OP beepro21 15 / 22  
Aug 24, 2011   #3
Thank you very much for picking up my mistakes. Can you suggest some expressions or ideas to improve this writing? I am not really satisfied with this writing. what should I do to make examples in para 2 clearer? Thank you once again.
amrosca 4 / 130  
Aug 25, 2011   #4
Now, what don't you like about it? It's an essay on media that tries to analyze facts in a concise way. It is a really good one when you think about its length, the good structure, about the fact that you introduced both positive and negative points of view.

I am not familiar with the maximum length of ILETS essays, but I would say if your essay were longer, you could develop your ideas more and then perhaps you will feel like you've done a better job [since you would get to say everything you want to say].

But then again, don't get too harsh on yourself. You're essay was fine!

Hm, I don't know if finding an example for para 2 would really be that important. I mean, unless it was something few people can relate to, then yes, and example would have been ideal. However, I suppose anyone knows what you mean, so don't stress too much over it. :)

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