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Finding the best method to tackle traffic and pollution problems has been a debatable issue recently

Ilmi_03 47 / 69 11  
Oct 10, 2016   #1
Increasing the price of petrol is the best way to solve growing traffic and pollution problems.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
What other measures do you think might be effective?

Finding the best method to tackle traffic and pollution problems has been a debatable issue in recent years. It is argued that government should set up higher price of petrol to solve these problems. I do agree with this initiative issue since citizens will be reluctant to travel by their private cars if the petrol price is more expensive. However, introducing car free day is an alternative way in order to minimize traffic and pollution.

Establishing less affordable petrol will reduce the number of private cars in the road significantly, meaning that minimizing the frequency of traffic jam and the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Once this policy introduced, individuals will be more selective in deciding whether they have to riding a car or using public transport. A 2010 recent study of Harvard University reveals that people in Beijing were not likely travelling by their cars because they avoided spending huge budget for transport cost, particularly paying the high price of petrol in their country. This resulted in a few evident of people who trapped in traffic jam for hours, and a fresher air in Beijing in recent years.

Having said that, car free day is the other way to tackle both traffic jam and deteriorated air problems. This is due to the fact that the car is the key factor of traffic jam and the main contributor of gas emission. Obviously, since can free day has been established in Tokyo, it showed is a significant decrease in the number of traffic jam and carbon dioxide emission. Clearly, car free day is a worth effort to keep healthier air and more straightforward travel.

In conclusion, when set higher price of petrol could discourage people to drive their private vehicles in which can streamline the travelling time and minimize the amount of poisonous gases in the atmosphere. Also, the authority can establish car free day to reduce the problems related to both issue. Hopefully, citizens can participate actively to support this policy.

nguyendo 2 / 2  
Oct 11, 2016   #2
Hi llmi_03,
Your essay is very good. However, I think there are some minor mistakes:

... in deciding whether they have to ridingdrive a car or usinguse public transport.

This resulted in a fewer evident of people who...

... in Tokyo, it showed is a significant decrease in the number of ...
Clearly, car free day is a worth an effort to keepmake healthier air and ...

Please kindly let me know if I have made some mistakes

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