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The Fish Caught Result and The Fishing Boats that is Used in Westhaven

yurikeyuri 43 / 49  
Nov 19, 2016   #1
The first chart informs about the number of the fish kind that is caught in near Westhaven. The second chart shows the kinds of small water vehicle that used in the same place. Overall, the number of Tuna and Swordfish that are caught as many as fishing boats that are used in Westhaven.

Firstly, the above chart talks the highest number of Tuna fish that is gotten at 110 thousand in 2011 and it has different total with three years before by 30 thousand. The opposite said that in 2008 is the lowest total of Tuna that is approximately 90 thousand. The catching of Tuna always increases from 2008 to 2011 with different total about 10 thousand. Secondly, the another data talk about the highest number of Swordfish which is caught always increasing trend, except is decreasing in 2010 at approximately 70 thousand. The highest number of Swordfish is resulted in 2010, same with the number of Tuna about 100 thousand. Not only the Swordfish has the highest value, but also it has the smallest number between 60 and 70 thousand.

The small vehicle water, fishing boats, that is used to catch the kind of fish, mainly Tuna and Swordfish, shows the lowest number of total of fishing boats which used in Westhaven about 40 thousand in 2010. The opposite said that the biggest number about 70 thousand in 2011. The three data before, from 2008 to 2010, have no different significantly in each year.

Beauty17 56 / 79  
Nov 19, 2016   #2
Hallo yuri.. here i try to give you some notes..

First of all you need to put the picture if chart in your essay so it will not be indecisive.. you can search it on the internet and attach it.

Now i am going to correct about your grammatical errors

... caught in near Westhaven WHILE the second chart shows ...
2. You did not put any year or time condition in the paraphrasing of the question. YOU MUST PUT IT..

... vehicle that used in the same place between 2008 and 2011.
... and Swordfish that were caught as many as fishing boats that were used in Westhaven

Good luck

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