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Food revolution - and how the change impact on people's lives - IELTS essay

thanhscorpia 1 / 1  
Dec 18, 2016   #1
Hello everybody, i'm a senior of University of Foreign Language from Da Nang, Viet Nam. Next month, i am going to take IELTS exam and I'm not confident with my writing skill. Hope you will give me a helping hand with some suggestions to improve my skill

Nowadays food has become easier to prepare. Has this change improved the way people live ?
You should give reasons for your answer using your own ideas and experience ?

Revolutions on many aspects of life have changed the world as well as people's life styles. The development in food industry is an example, food are now easier to set up by applying technology to the assembly line. I agree partially with this statement, prepared food doesn't bring us only the advantages but it has its own negative effect.

The main reason that can be seen by every person is that the positive effect of prepared food, simply because it's convenience. In this hectic life, people usually favour a convenient way to have a meal rather than traditional way in order not to waste time. So that fast food and canned food are the best choice playing a crucial role in many people's lives. They not only provide them calories but also help them to save time. For instance, Americans often have burgers for their lunch time so as not to late for work.

On the other hand, there are also a sizeable percentage of people who strongly believe that prepared food is not good for our health, it is even the main cause of some serious diseases. Firstly, fast food is set up with some quick process like : frying, grilling. These method make food lose nutrition and turn them into another matter that harm our health. Last but not least, the preservative in canned food is also the top factor that lead to bad result such as : cancer.

Based on the above discussion and analysis, we can see that the change in the way preparing food have not only positive but also negative effect on people's lives.
Master x - / 2  
Dec 18, 2016   #2
Hi! Thanhscorpia,i'll give you some recommend about your essay the main thing is that do not star "nowadays" in your introduction it could be brought lower mark and think some complex then paraphrase beginning
krempetkov 13 / 29 6  
Dec 18, 2016   #3
I agree partially with this statement, prepared food doesn't bring us only the advantages but it has its own negative effect. -- I will prefer to slightly change this sentence.

In my opinion, even though the faster preparation of food affects us in positive way, there are still some negatives about it.

About your second paragraph : "positive effect of prepared food" - what does that mean? - use phrases like - "the ease of the process of preparing the food", "because of the easier preparation" - The way you wrote it, it doesn't make sense to the reader.

The main reason that can be seen by every person is that the positive effect of prepared food, simply because it's convenience - i will definitely review this sentence. The main advantage of faster food preparation is that it is much more convenient for the people (using it)

In today's hectic way of life

favour a convenient -- favour the concenient

than traditional way in order not to waste time - than the traditional way in order to save time for the more valuable parts of their plans/programs.

So that fast food and canned food are the best choice playing a crucial role in many people's lives. - Moreover, the fast and canned food are playing a crucial way in the daily routine of many people.
OP thanhscorpia 1 / 1  
Dec 19, 2016   #4
@krempetkov thank you so much. In the sentence : positive effects of prepared food. I mean the advantages of food which was prepared
Arlen 20 / 40 3  
Dec 22, 2016   #5
hello, here are my suggestions,

1. I agree partially with this statement, preparedpreparing ...
2. The main reason that can be seen by every personeveryone or each person
3. These methods make food lose...

I think it is a solid essay that you illustrate some viewpoint to support your statement, but I suggest you can pay more attention on the grammar since there are few mistakes for the verb using.

hope it helps!

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