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How Does Foods that Have Gluten in Them Affects the Human Body

chnita sanders 1 / -  
Jul 25, 2015   #1
Chnita Sanders
English 102
Professor Banks
25th July 2015

Chnita Sanders
English 102
Professor Banks
25th July 2015

How Does Foods that Have Gluten in Them Affects the Human Body? Draft

Today there are just so many people in this world that has developed some conditions that their doctors just couldn't give them an explanation. Sometime when our bodies speak to us by reacting a certain way after using or eating a something there is just no way to put things together by making a connection. Why is that? Well that is because people feel like the go to the doctor and he/she is supposed to know everything that has been going on with your body since the last visit. The truth is doctors are people even though they have their degrees doesn't mean they are psychic or that they know everything cause the don't. In this paper I'm going to give you some important information about how gluten affects the human body. I found most of my information from my school database as well as the web, by entering foods with gluten and how gluten affects the body. I must say there was a whole lot of things that popped up that you may not be too familiar with, however my goal is to let you know what you need to by referencing to other peoples stories as well as my sources. Hopefully you can get some great information and do your own research and make better decisions whether it be for yourself or relaying the information you learned to someone else.

Our ancestors grew and used wheat however it isn't the same as the wheat used to today. Gluten is found in wheat, it is a protein composite and also used as additives to foods. Gluten is in most of the foods we eat today on the daily basis Gluten is in whole wheat, white flour, durum wheat, pasta, tortillas, graham flour, cookies, pastries, cereal, muffins, oats, sauces, salad dressing, gravy, soy sauce, potato chips, veggie burgers, licorice, pickles, spices and believe it or not it is even in beer and vodka. Gluten is also in a lot of products like make-up, toothpaste, medicine, protein powders, and as well as play dough. Items that people might not have ever thought of as having gluten in them are being tweaked or at least rebranded. Through the years wheat has become refined and well educated and Gluten has become much harder to digest. There are so many things that goes on inside the human body that would seem unrelated to wheat consumption for example AITD (both Hashimoto's and Graves), being tired all the time, skin conditions, hormonal imbalances, migraines and even depression. Gluten also affects the thyroid because to the body gliadin which is in gluten looks very similar to transglutaminase an enzyme needed to form chemical bonds throughout the body. Now Thyroids are present in many organs, the thyroid has a higher concentration of the enzyme. Therefore when your immune system actually attacks the gliadin in your body the antibodies naturally attacks the thyroids. After gluten consumption your immune system suffers damage up to six months. Being unable to digest gluten properly leads to the condition Celiac Disease. Having that condition opens the doors for other conditions like thyroids, diabetes, as well as one of the causes of infertility in women and men. In the last 50th years there has been so many people being affected by this Celiac Disease.

Kelly Ledonni founder of Glutenfreelabels.com spoke about when she was much younger, she had a lot of problems with her stomach. She said her stomach was always bloated and that she would have pain at the same time. This would usually happen to her about three times a year. She also would get migraines often. "In 2003 she was diagnosed with hypothyroidism" but even then she still had no cause for concern that it would have to do with being gluten intolerant. In 2005 Kelly was married and they were ready to start their own family. Kelly was so hurt emotionally and mentally after having two miscarriages. One day down the line Kelly met a lady name Linda, Linda gave Kelly some information that would change Kelly and her husband's life forever. After Kelly shared her story about trying to conceive with Linda, Linda told Kelly to get tested for Celiac Disease. Kelly heard her bought insisted on talking about this to her fertility doctor instead of outright saying, I want to get tested for Celiac Disease. Kelly's doctor told her she basically didn't need to be tested for this disease because he has never heard of it being the cause of miscarriages. At that time Kelly's husband saw Linda's information to be quite important because he had hope again, so he put his foot down and demanded Kelly's doctor to test her for celiac disease just so it could be ruled out at least. Guess what Linda was 100% right and exact Kelly did in fact have celiac disease. Kelly was then instructed to go on a gluten free diet, and after just eight months of Kelly not eating gluten she was pregnant with twins and she carried them the whole 40 weeks. A few years later Kelly and her husband had a baby boy, she had no more issues with child bearing.

A Russian study from 2012 notes says" that the incidence of gluten sensitivity in those women with conceiving is 4.1%. Bernedette Davis from Buffalo NY said being gluten intolerant was the cause of her not being able to conceive. After she was told the she had PCOS (polycystic Ovary Syndrome) she begin to do a lot of research and that is how she stumble over information about gluten. She never assumed gluten would ever be a problem for her but, just for the record she said let me try going gluten free and see what happens. After being told so many times that her chance of getting pregnant was slim to nothing, Bernedette was indeed pregnant. After a while she thought to herself she got what she wanted which was to be pregnant, she figured could start enjoying her foods she loved so much that had gluten in them. To her surprise she got really sick, her doctor told her she couldn't eat nothing with gluten until she had her baby.

Now because of the connection from these conditions to gluten or celiac disease doctors are beginning to be more educated. They are receiving this vital information so that they can properly diagnose their patients. They are not willing to take the chance on just assuming because they are unfamiliar with a situation to send a sick patient home with the wrong information. Multidisciplinary Challenges and Opportunities were the first people to put together a work study to give people a better understanding of the cause and effects of celiac disease from "chemistry reaction causing foods to diagnosis, pathogenesis, and symptoms that lead to proper diagnoses and treatment". However there is no cure for celiac disease yet.

There are a lot of foods out there that does not have gluten in them, just to name a few healthy foods like fruits, beans, grains like quinoa or rice as long as they are gluten free, vegetables, dry beans, dairy, nuts. Going gluten free can be nerve reckoning too, because of the many things and foods that contains gluten. It's almost like you just can't get away from it. I mean just something is going to have it. Kelly Ledonni started the glutenfree.labels.com just for this reason and now a days a lot of supermarkets are separating the foods by using gluten free labels.

Just like everything there is a flip side to this, going gluten free could actually make you sick too. The WeBMD says "there are risk of going gluten free, that gluten itself doesn't offer special nutritional benefits, but whole grains does". This is because whole grains are actually rich in vitamins and minerals specially the ones we really need like B vitamin, fiber and iron. The WeBMD says that studies has proven that eating whole grain can help lower the risk of getting heart disease, cancer and diabetes type two. It is recommended that at least half carbohydrates in diets comes from whole grain.

The good thing about people being educated with this information is that now restaurant owner are implementing this. They are serving meals at the restaurant without gluten, having consideration for the people that are on a gluten free diet. So that means you can still go to your favorite restaurant and eat your favorite foods and deserts.

Basically before you make and drastic changes with your diet like going gluten free, you do want to discuss this with your doctor. No one body reacts exactly the same way. You don't want to do something that could cause your body more hurt than good. It's all about doing your own research as well as speaking with your doctor, because by doing research you can go in there with all your questions and hopefully he will have most of the answers for you. I have a family member who now going through the gluten free diet and she too was not able to conceive for the life of her, well maybe I should say she trying to go gluten free because she still wears make up and use the same toothpaste she has been using. I am going to share this research with her and hopefully it can work out for her the way it did with Kelly and Bernedette. I hope this information has been as helpful to you as I intended because this stuff is not a joke. We want to live long healthy lives disease free, then we need to be educated on certain things that the naked hard maybe cannot see. For the women and men trying to conceive I hope this gives you all hope and motivation to start looking into things, at least so some things can be ruled out.

Work Cited
Bernedette Davis "Web" 2014
Cathy Gulli "Mcleans" 2013
Chris Kresser "The Gluten Thyroid Connection" 2010
Dr. Alessio Fasano, Koehler "Global NEWS & ABI/Inform Professional" 2013
Dr. Richard Herbold "Capital District Vitality Center" 2012
Jane Kwiatkowski, Andrew z. Galameau "The Buffalo News" 2010
Kelly Ledonni "Glutenfreelabels" 2008
Kowhler, Wieser, Kathrina, Herbert, Konitzer, Peter, Gulli Cathy "Academic Press"2014
WeBMD 2010

My three places I could of done better is
1. I could of had more in formation about the people who actually developed thyroids, diabetes etc due to celiac disease.
2. I could of spoke more about how the doctors actually linked the connection between gluten and the conditions that was caused.
3.I could of spoke more about my other sources like the doctors.

lcturn87 - / 427  
Jul 26, 2015   #2
I can help you with some of your essay. When you begin your essay, I think you should give the reader more information.

1st paragraph: "Today, there are just so many people in this world that have developed some conditions that their doctors just couldn't give them an explanation understand.

"Sometimes when our bodies speak to us by react a certain way after using or we eat something, there is just no way to put things together by making a connection identify the cause."

"Well, that is because people feel like when they go to the doctor, and he/she he or she is supposed to know everything that has been going on with your has occurred with the body since the last visit.

These are a few sentences that needed correction. The next correction I would like to focus on is how you discuss the information that will be presented. After you discuss how doctors may be unaware of what is happening to their patients after the last visit, you should give an example and discuss how those who suffer from a sensitivity or intolerance to gluten should be open with their physician. Ex: For example, those with an intolerance to gluten should be open with their physician about their symptoms. This is just an example to lead you into your discussion.

If you begin discussing gluten very early in your discussion, you can delete this: In this paper I'm going to give you some important information about how . You should be able to discuss that it is important to get help from your physician. Then you can discuss that in your research you found information and stories that pertain to gluten and discuss your goal. The last sentence is probably more suitable to include in the last paragraph or you could delete it.
justivy03 - / 2279  
Jul 27, 2015   #3
- How Does Foods that Have Gluten enriched foodin Them Affects the Human Body? Draft

Chnita, I will work on the last 3 paragraphs of your research;

- It is recommended that at least half of the carbohydrates in diets comes from whole grain.
- ...havinggiving consideration for theto people that..
- Basically before you make and drastic changes with your diet like..
- Not one body reacts exactly the same way.
- I have a family member who is now going through the gluten free diet
- and she too was not able to conceive for the life of her, (this phrase is not clear to me, I'm not sure what you mean by this, I would like to rephrase it; "and she was not able to keep up with this diet. "

- well maybe I should say she was trying to go..
- then we need to be educated on certain things that the naked hardeye maybe cannotnot see. - - For the women and men trying to conceive I hope this gives you all hope and motivation to start looking into things, at least so that some things can be ruled out.

I hope my remarks can help you.

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