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Google's Got a Plan to Unify the World's Wi-Fi Hotspots

rizaldohabibie 19 / 35  
Sep 28, 2016   #1
Public Wi-Fi sometimes infuriates the users when it has a sudden lag even in the huge scale of any business places. According to this basis, Google attempts to get rid of the problems through establishing Internet service providers and hardware companies.

The technology of this new enterprise will ease the users as the system is independent on preconfiguration WiFi routers. Hence, users access the Internet using a single username and password without asking to the waiter in the restaurant anymore.

Following that, google has offered Internet connection facilitated through high-speed Google Fiber. Moreover, google has strive to alter New York City payphones with internet kiosk and undertaken the project with India whose state-owned rail system has been offered with Wi-Fi stations nationwide.

Google has prepared for this expansion at its best. Therefore, the company will seriously propose the Internet to public places all over the world.


Wilson_Chen 2 / 2  
Sep 28, 2016   #2
Therefore, the company will seriously proposepromote the Internet to public ...
The technology of this new enterprise will ease the users as the system is independent on.....The users feel relieved when it comes to the technology of this new enterprise, as the system....
justivy03 - / 2330  
Sep 28, 2016   #3
Hi Rizaldo, please find additional remarks to enhance your summary.

- According to this basisWith this observation , - Google plansattempts to get rid
- of the problems through establishingan established

- ease the users access to the internet as the system
- is independent on preconfigurationto a pre- configured WiFi routers.
- to the waiter in the restaurant anymore.

- undertaken the project within India
- whose state-owned railway system has
- Therefore, the company will seriously propose the Internet access to public places all over the world.

There you have it Rizaldo, I'm not sure if this is my first review of your essay but I hope the modifications are helpful and even more so, valuable to your revision.

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