Every government has its budget where it defines how much money should be assigned on what. In order to sustain normal activity of a state and its citizens, as well as provide high standards of living for its population the government should spends the vast majority of its funds on solving social issues, improving education, developing science and promoting various field of economy. That is why I think that the government should spend as much money as possible on what is of greater importance for people, which is solving the basic problems of the society.
All states consist of people that live there and, indeed, they all have certain social need. The main concern of every government must be the satisfaction of these needs and provide people with proper living conditions, because people create the government to assist them in working out solution for the type of problems that particular individuals are not able to deal with. How can a certain government assign money funds that are formed mainly with money that people pay to state in the form of taxes to the development of something that is too remote from their basic needs? It is not reasonable, for example, to Central African countries to spend money on development, let us say, on space technology or exploration of universe or promoting nuclear energy, if their population experience problems with employment, infrastructure and economy. Only after addressing all basic problems of society, which has not been achieved even in very developed first - world countries, a government may direct its attention and consequently the majority of its fund on developing space technology and the like.
Furthermore, there is no need to develop space equipment for further exploration of other planets appropriate for living if people will have everything that they need to satisfy their basic material and social need that are clean environment, infrastructure, good jobs, enough money to support household and their family. If people are satisfied with everything on the Earth they will not think of moving to another remote and unfamiliar place that definitely will not be better that our planet because it is unique and as proved still is the most perfect habitat for human.
On the other hand, governments may allocate some sums on scientific investigation of cosmos and other planets, because it is not impossible and rational to make obstacles for further progress of science. However, money spend on mentioned fields should not be significant and done on the basis of cutting off expenditures that are necessary for satisfying needs of society.
In conclusion, I would like to mention briefly that if governments spend money on fulfillment of people's basic needs that must constitute the main purpose of each government there will be no need to spend huge amounts of money on exploration of other planets. Therefore, I support the viewpoint that government should spend as much money as possible on solving the basic problem of society.
All states consist of people that live there and, indeed, they all have certain social need. The main concern of every government must be the satisfaction of these needs and provide people with proper living conditions, because people create the government to assist them in working out solution for the type of problems that particular individuals are not able to deal with. How can a certain government assign money funds that are formed mainly with money that people pay to state in the form of taxes to the development of something that is too remote from their basic needs? It is not reasonable, for example, to Central African countries to spend money on development, let us say, on space technology or exploration of universe or promoting nuclear energy, if their population experience problems with employment, infrastructure and economy. Only after addressing all basic problems of society, which has not been achieved even in very developed first - world countries, a government may direct its attention and consequently the majority of its fund on developing space technology and the like.
Furthermore, there is no need to develop space equipment for further exploration of other planets appropriate for living if people will have everything that they need to satisfy their basic material and social need that are clean environment, infrastructure, good jobs, enough money to support household and their family. If people are satisfied with everything on the Earth they will not think of moving to another remote and unfamiliar place that definitely will not be better that our planet because it is unique and as proved still is the most perfect habitat for human.
On the other hand, governments may allocate some sums on scientific investigation of cosmos and other planets, because it is not impossible and rational to make obstacles for further progress of science. However, money spend on mentioned fields should not be significant and done on the basis of cutting off expenditures that are necessary for satisfying needs of society.
In conclusion, I would like to mention briefly that if governments spend money on fulfillment of people's basic needs that must constitute the main purpose of each government there will be no need to spend huge amounts of money on exploration of other planets. Therefore, I support the viewpoint that government should spend as much money as possible on solving the basic problem of society.